{/Love You More and More.
{/Saturday, September 24, 2005, @12:53 AM.
{ I meant for this to be a short one, but it ended up long too! The only constant is change: Impermanence... }
I just realized while commenting on Eve's bloggie that I dun really blog about matters in particular. More often, I blog abt things that happen that I wanna rmb and make this a memory trail and just random musings I have... But to reiterate my stand:

Oops... I forgot...

Ok... i got it back again. It's like whenever I go back to Msia or wherever, ok the place I've visited the most times in the past 10 yrs is Msia. Or rather, the only place I've stepped out of Sg is Msia. I should count the no. of chops I get just by passing the customs at the borders. It is especially so for this year, what with my grandma's passing away and the gnawing feeling that we have to visit our grandpa as often as we can now. He's born in 1914, which makes him 91 years of age in 2005. Ha. It's typical to see me not getting into what I wanted to say after so many sentences...

As I was just telling Potato on Mon or Tue, I can't remember, that I'd find it very hard to get back into equilibrium after even a short weekend trip to elsewhere. Cos it made me forget the stress and bustle of city life. Though we live in the suburbs of Singapore, far from the centre town area and it's generally quiet here as compared to other areas where the train travels, we still feel the same fast-paced rhythm of modern, city life. That is why I love to go back to Msia, though it can be kinda dirty at some places and everything is not that convenient. I feel calmer, refreshed, and best of all, rejuvenated. There's this reassuring peace I feel whenever I take a walk along the asphalt road whereby flowers or grasses and trees further away reside... Ha, reside, i seriously dunno where my english is at nowadays. I think it's become kinda quirky. Ok, gotta solve this problem so if anyone notices anything wrong with my usage of English, pls tell me cos i'd very much appreciate it.

It's better to ask stupid qns than to be ignorant of even that stupid qn's answer. There's a better way of putting it but i forgot, so i came up with this. Anyone who disagrees, pls tell me bravely haha...

N in case anyone is interested in JA, the little boy in the pic with me. As in, at least one person is interested and it's Tyr cos she asked me about him, though i wonder if she asked me only to ask something haha... Though I replied her on her blog, i would like to say that I have to bring myself to say that I dunno much about him... So far, he's quiet when he's with me but I know he's definitely not one who's like that with his siblings or family or frens... Hence, I couldn't hide my surprise when he stood behind me and poked 2 fingers into my both sides. Hope you get what i mean. It happened when I met him on the last day in Msia and just before we got ready for my cousin's wedding in the evening later. He had never done that to me and it's a pleasant surprise actually.

I'm done, gotta catch some sleep. Maybe we're going swimming later though we haven even asked the person who owns the place ahaha...

Oh, to follow up on the loss of balance thingy after trips away from Singapore, I feel very miserable and find it hard to pick up momentum after I come back. It's bad, especially on that Monday when i went back for lessons. It's like a little more than a week to the promos at that time and I JUST DUN WANNA STUDY!!! It's really terrible... It's as if the things that happened in the course of abt 2 days in Msia took place over a much longer period of time. If I were in Singapore on the weekends, my activities would generally be the same ha. Like that of a hermit crab, I suppose. couch potato maybe. Or the once in a blue moon mad athlete who just does exercises as and when she likes it. Mostly, I watch TV, use the com, drink water, bathe, sleep, read stuff, go out for dinner with family or big family. Big family means aunts, uncles and cousins...

But I know I'm growing, as in i learn to take things in stride better. LIke it takes a shorter time for me to get used to life as a student in Singapore after hanging out with mad frens and talking to my beloved Potato ha. Not to forget that today HL and Y was telling me that I've changed a lot and i'm a new person. I've noticed it, but with other pple telling u that, it just makes u believe even more that you're right. Isn't it amazing how what others say can make or break your day? But it's better to make it haha...

I wanna be a truck driver, to send truckloads of love to my dear frens and family ha.*Truckloads* -<> got it from dear HL, the xmas girl ha!!! Yippee... Promos coming on next Thu, and though next Mon and Wed is a study break and we have no sch, i gotta be in the premises of the school on Mon for sale of tickets-> Grad nite business. Think it's fun... Rugby boi haha... or RB or ribena! I'm gonna stop at just RB ha. With no further ado, i'll stop my fingers and try going off to bed now...


Hey gracias.. I see ur blog has been spammed too.. well at least I think so coz I've got all those comments by anonymous people saying what a wonderful blog I have.. And it was kinda unexpected seeing RB popping up in ur blog :)

By Blogger Pamela, at 4:37 PM  

whoa..some stranger complimented you!=Danw.u r juz so long winded as usual haha.but yea.it so u n funny=)

By Blogger Miss Pek , at 9:37 PM  

Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha

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