Trying to find a solution about my feet, stupid dammit feet haa but i do owe it to them to walk. But i'm not really that bothered by it, well sometimes i am, but not that much like last time. The workload i can feel it now, but not really stressed to the extreme yet. And thr was something that chickiestchicken said that really made me laugh out loud. It's so stupid. Cos i was saying is he still as racist cos he used to make fun of Indians by cumin up with names for them. Then he say no la, he likes the smell on them now.. Haix... da da da(it's supposed to mean dotz dotz dotz) cos i really dunno what to say except chortle in amusement aha... Some other lame things include Eve's classmate with the braces and some white hair ahah, he is real funny!!! And yoga is damn fun. It's really laughing therapy class. haha... Dega dega haha...he's really funny, his accent basically is what triggers the laughter..
Sims 2 rock, though it costed me $54.90 ha!!! And i just called Gabe and Michael on Sat or Sun i forgot haha... It's juz so fun, as usual Michael is crap and basically bullshit. I mean it in a good way cos he's funny hah, really very funny. Gabe is like that lor hee hee >_< :D Michael actually was yelling at the back "i wanna talk to Grace, i wanna talk to Grace" when i was still talking to his bro haha. And we talked a lot about teenager issues and it's kinda informative so this is something good and i'm not always wasting money without gaining anything ha...
See, the ups and downs in life are so amazing!!! And i wanna mention what we learn in MT A today, about that piece of work by this blind writer. She's really inspiration, advocating the idea that we should not care too much about what others think of us, cos we would be suffering or sth like that... it's like i know this but sometimes i forget and fall into putting myself down and all that sort of stuff like i'm fat or sth. But in actual fact, we always need people to remind us of certain things we already know so i'm glad to learn something new or go over the experience of knowing something again. Okay, not everybody would understand my previous statement but that's okay. Cos it's fine, as long as i understand ha...
oh i see how it is you dont call me any more i get you just dont care any more well fine be like that. crazy kid kyra
By 11:32 AM
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Thr has been peeling of skin at the area of my last 3 toes on each foot. The first one happened during orientation camp when i felt the point between my fourth toe and the last toe really itchy before sleeping. I din care about it, only to realize that it is something like a blister. But now, the skin on both feet, only at the last 3 toes has peeled. And sometimes thr's this foul smell. Yucks!!! I hate it, and my parents tell me that this is the start of athlete's foot or Hong Kong feet. That is bad! Eeekks.... i'm kinda embarrassed for posting it but anybody know how it started and how to cure the peeling, pls tell me!!!
Well, my mum says it muz be the friction, cos i had to wear shoes all the time during the camp and for really long hours almost everyday in school, bacteria formed due to insufficient ventilation, or that it had to do with my shoes, that it's not of good quality so as to cause the peeling of the skin on my feet. And, my socks had a part to play, that it's wet or sth. And juz a moment ago, i asked my dad, he said it's cos i was not hygienic enough, but i've been bathing the first thing i reach home cos i juz cant take the sweatiness! So peeps, help out if u can k? Thanks, i'd really appreciate it! (-_-)
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Ta da, can see how glad i am now, though i was tired at about half past 9 to ten, i held on, and watched american idol: results show while waiting for stupid brother, Kel to finish using the com and pass it to me. A little bickering took place and Dad bellowed at us again. haha, not really bellow, but spoke to us in a scolding manner, as expected. But because i haven been interacting with Kel much, thr was no chance we'd argue, and Dad was busier with work like driving taxi and wallpaper that he was not home that often and he couldn't see us argue (though we really cut down on the quarrelling), so haven heard him scolding us for a long time. But today, the new com came, i could foresee problems but the advantages of having a new and faster PC (it's faster than the old one by 6 times ha) are juz too hard to resist. Okay, i have to go now, still got bloody sch tomorrow, but my only lesson is at 10.30 to 11.30am, which is MT A, which means Chinese at A level. And i have to do nothing except try to read storybook and do some homework from 8 to 10.30am haha, pathetic... But it's good in a way.
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