{/Love You More and More.
{/Thursday, March 05, 2009, @11:58 PM.
{ IDK }

I really like taking the bus. It's been long since I had long bus rides.
I tot of putting up a "I miss..." entry but lazy now.

I realize I like teaching dance in schools. I feel like I want to keep in contact with those kids I teach but it's like hard to maintain anyway and nothing to hold me and them together. Alrighty, now's the time to “只在乎曾经拥有” (like just care about once having/enjoyed)... Cherish the moment.

或许“患得患失” 患:忧患,担心。担心得不到,得到了又担心失掉。形容对个人得失看得很重。

很奇怪,我还是有种“我不知该为什么而活”,有时啦。Was in Kelvin's room trying to find that song I heard on his player this morning - but we couldn't! For like 1 hr plus i guess. Ah, it's 3.35am! I'm so impressed by him playing the first 2 8s of "It Ends Tonight" haha, he bought a keyboard that day so cool but i dunno how to play songs on it! Haha. He told me he learnt on youtube. No wonder he said can self-learn. He bought a guitar before his keyboard then I still thought he wasting money but guess not. If he really learns well using the resources online, it's good! One thing to cheer about for the internet - like finally? or rarely? ahha...

taken on 2nd Feb 09' (Mon)
--- YNP mini gathering cum Evelyn's farewell dinner haha!

We all have red spots, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha

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