{/Sunday, March 08, 2009, @10:46 AM.
{ maybe i shd go back to being a tv addict }
TITLE: Maybe I shd so go back to being a TV addict
Maybe I shd so go back to being a TV addict and watch TV as much as I can. Life sorta seemed simple like that. But I don't remember frm when onwards, I'd take it as a waste of time, like I SHD BE LIVING MY LIFE OUT THERE, not watching ppl live theirs.
今天,不知道要写什么。好,就说件好笑的事哈哈。昨天,本来要同爸妈一块儿去JB参加妈妈的朋友的侄子的婚礼。妈要我去因为她说我很久没见她朋友了。结果,JDC prac 后,爸还特地去学校载我回家。到家后,梳洗完后已经要准备出门了,妈提醒我拿自己的护照。然后,我就:“啊!我没有护照”。妈:“为什么没有?”我:“因为我的护照在ICA。”哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,好好笑。白忙了一场。他们出去后,我就试图读写阅读资料。读了费洛伊德的“自恋导论”,真的是难读懂,因为每隔一面的最左边的几个字没印到,读起来是用猜的。那种很具学术性的华语一直让我得反复读很多遍才跟得上,但是只稍微明白一点。有时,却有真的不明白。管它的啦,只要我能把它读完就好了,我虽不知重点是什么但至少有点印象。好过我不曾读过对吗?
最近一直感到坎坷不安。“物极必反”应该是真的吧。希望如此。焦虑的心情不好。我常患得患失。哈哈。后来发觉原来如此。还蛮难过没得参加dancetitude。That's cos it's held in late August and I'm already in Mexico by then. Gush I think I can't bear using Mandarin to talk about events and describe things. It takes so long and I have to figure the descriptive words. I think I prefer to write about my feelings in Mandarin ahha, 有种很诗意的感觉。 我也会担心交朋友的部分。我昨天就在和桑聊,虽然她一直说不要讲了,但她也说了相当多,所以我也说了许多话哈哈。我说我的欲望都是那种用钱不能解决的哈哈。像感情(友情、爱情、人与人之间的情啦)之类的东西。如果我的欲望都是些名牌包、写字、衣服等,那该多容易解决。所谓“能够用钱解决的问题都不是大问题哈哈。”
对了,然后我躺在床上不到几会儿就睡着了,6点多睡到8点哈哈。醒来后,就看电视哈哈。看到1点多,好久没有这样了。Flightplan 看到一半时,桑回来了哈哈。她就说起我好少这样看电视。好像自从2年前外公来我们家住了好几个月开始,我看电视的习惯似乎被改掉了。因为,外公很喜欢看电视,有点像霸着电视那样地看。也可怜他没什么其它的事可做。渐渐地,我就很少看电视了。我更时常坐在电脑面前。对了,以前也很时常fansubbing,现在好像都不做这些事了。
昨天看了kaiwen上载到facebook的影片。是我们在2003年的SYF比赛的片子!好怀念哦。仿佛那些以前在中学练舞的所有片段都重新在脑里放映。又感伤回不到过去。我昨天也和桑说:“我好像除了这样子过活儿,什么其它方式都不懂。”(like my emo way of living - sentimental, nostalgic?, feels sad)... 啊,但有时又会发现自己在烦够了过后,真的就不凡,然后回平静一阵子哈哈。
该去读书了!我下个星期有4分作业要交!我的妈呀!不来时就不来,一来就全部一起来!Okie,不该那么说。有时有些星期还偶尔会有点事做,但一块儿来4个还真是没见过。 我很想念我的父母,虽然他们就在身旁。我想,这更我要去Mexico有关,我发现自己在出国很久之前,我都会特别珍惜家人吧,尤其是父母。最近,我甚至觉得家里真的才是最好的。是最佳的避风港。对自己好的,真的只有父母吧。okie la, 有些好朋友也蛮好的,桑也蛮好的虽然有时我会不爽她。算了,我的问题真的是想太多。哎呀,爸还说:“什么想念?我们在家你也想念?你这样子好像你有不祥的预感。”
啊,本来没什么好写的,最后又写那么多!Yeah, I've been having pretty busy days recently but I still don't think I'm busy enough hahhhhaha. Out with Yeek & Ji Chou (pardon me haha - i dont think he'll ever read) then with Mingmin and Chong Min right before tuition. Ah, they are just so funny. Yeek, more meetups and can the MIAPHL faster make her appearance? I forgot how she looks like already haha. 有时还是写英文让我觉得比较舒畅!习惯终究是习惯。
我应该更时常又说自己是小朋友!哈哈,如以前一样。 我应该更努力地去更新我的纪录,那些记录人们说的话,做的事。如以前一样。 (总是让我在阅读时有种温馨的感觉,因为我真的拥有很多。) 已经满久了吧,我总要写一篇“give thanks”的文章 - 在我的日记里,但是还没有做! 因为我要学会怎样“知足常乐”啊哈哈。
edited on 20 Mar 2009 (Fri)... (re-arranged pics & added captions) 21 Feb 09' (anti-drugs competition @ HDB hub)
grp pics with the gurls!
green = anna, winnie the pooh = kyla, orange = shili
red = huiling
the green eyeshadow i drew for her haha. like colouring! so niceeeeeee!
20 Feb 2009' (post-Chingay dinner yummy)
chong min, michelle, kyla
my dear juniors, super funny sia, i always have lotsa fun with you gurls!
MC40 ish soooooooooooo shuaiiiiiiii!
courtesy of yunyin! taken on 13 Mar 09' (Fri)
Da Mouth concert @ NTU!
i seriously think shi ling (40) cuter with his current hairstyle. i was searching for his pics online then realized him with black hair (earlier image) wasn't that cute and sunshiney as after a tinge of colour in his hair! his current hairsyle is cuter too! "pong pong" at the top!
Maybe I shd so go back to being a TV addict and watch TV as much as I can. Life sorta seemed simple like that. But I don't remember frm when onwards, I'd take it as a waste of time, like I SHD BE LIVING MY LIFE OUT THERE, not watching ppl live theirs.
今天,不知道要写什么。好,就说件好笑的事哈哈。昨天,本来要同爸妈一块儿去JB参加妈妈的朋友的侄子的婚礼。妈要我去因为她说我很久没见她朋友了。结果,JDC prac 后,爸还特地去学校载我回家。到家后,梳洗完后已经要准备出门了,妈提醒我拿自己的护照。然后,我就:“啊!我没有护照”。妈:“为什么没有?”我:“因为我的护照在ICA。”哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,好好笑。白忙了一场。他们出去后,我就试图读写阅读资料。读了费洛伊德的“自恋导论”,真的是难读懂,因为每隔一面的最左边的几个字没印到,读起来是用猜的。那种很具学术性的华语一直让我得反复读很多遍才跟得上,但是只稍微明白一点。有时,却有真的不明白。管它的啦,只要我能把它读完就好了,我虽不知重点是什么但至少有点印象。好过我不曾读过对吗?
最近一直感到坎坷不安。“物极必反”应该是真的吧。希望如此。焦虑的心情不好。我常患得患失。哈哈。后来发觉原来如此。还蛮难过没得参加dancetitude。That's cos it's held in late August and I'm already in Mexico by then. Gush I think I can't bear using Mandarin to talk about events and describe things. It takes so long and I have to figure the descriptive words. I think I prefer to write about my feelings in Mandarin ahha, 有种很诗意的感觉。 我也会担心交朋友的部分。我昨天就在和桑聊,虽然她一直说不要讲了,但她也说了相当多,所以我也说了许多话哈哈。我说我的欲望都是那种用钱不能解决的哈哈。像感情(友情、爱情、人与人之间的情啦)之类的东西。如果我的欲望都是些名牌包、写字、衣服等,那该多容易解决。所谓“能够用钱解决的问题都不是大问题哈哈。”
对了,然后我躺在床上不到几会儿就睡着了,6点多睡到8点哈哈。醒来后,就看电视哈哈。看到1点多,好久没有这样了。Flightplan 看到一半时,桑回来了哈哈。她就说起我好少这样看电视。好像自从2年前外公来我们家住了好几个月开始,我看电视的习惯似乎被改掉了。因为,外公很喜欢看电视,有点像霸着电视那样地看。也可怜他没什么其它的事可做。渐渐地,我就很少看电视了。我更时常坐在电脑面前。对了,以前也很时常fansubbing,现在好像都不做这些事了。
昨天看了kaiwen上载到facebook的影片。是我们在2003年的SYF比赛的片子!好怀念哦。仿佛那些以前在中学练舞的所有片段都重新在脑里放映。又感伤回不到过去。我昨天也和桑说:“我好像除了这样子过活儿,什么其它方式都不懂。”(like my emo way of living - sentimental, nostalgic?, feels sad)... 啊,但有时又会发现自己在烦够了过后,真的就不凡,然后回平静一阵子哈哈。
该去读书了!我下个星期有4分作业要交!我的妈呀!不来时就不来,一来就全部一起来!Okie,不该那么说。有时有些星期还偶尔会有点事做,但一块儿来4个还真是没见过。 我很想念我的父母,虽然他们就在身旁。我想,这更我要去Mexico有关,我发现自己在出国很久之前,我都会特别珍惜家人吧,尤其是父母。最近,我甚至觉得家里真的才是最好的。是最佳的避风港。对自己好的,真的只有父母吧。okie la, 有些好朋友也蛮好的,桑也蛮好的虽然有时我会不爽她。算了,我的问题真的是想太多。哎呀,爸还说:“什么想念?我们在家你也想念?你这样子好像你有不祥的预感。”
啊,本来没什么好写的,最后又写那么多!Yeah, I've been having pretty busy days recently but I still don't think I'm busy enough hahhhhaha. Out with Yeek & Ji Chou (pardon me haha - i dont think he'll ever read) then with Mingmin and Chong Min right before tuition. Ah, they are just so funny. Yeek, more meetups and can the MIAPHL faster make her appearance? I forgot how she looks like already haha. 有时还是写英文让我觉得比较舒畅!习惯终究是习惯。
我应该更时常又说自己是小朋友!哈哈,如以前一样。 我应该更努力地去更新我的纪录,那些记录人们说的话,做的事。如以前一样。 (总是让我在阅读时有种温馨的感觉,因为我真的拥有很多。) 已经满久了吧,我总要写一篇“give thanks”的文章 - 在我的日记里,但是还没有做! 因为我要学会怎样“知足常乐”啊哈哈。
edited on 20 Mar 2009 (Fri)... (re-arranged pics & added captions) 21 Feb 09' (anti-drugs competition @ HDB hub)
grp pics with the gurls!
green = anna, winnie the pooh = kyla, orange = shili
red = huiling
the green eyeshadow i drew for her haha. like colouring! so niceeeeeee!
20 Feb 2009' (post-Chingay dinner yummy)
chong min, michelle, kyla

MC40 ish soooooooooooo shuaiiiiiiii!
courtesy of yunyin! taken on 13 Mar 09' (Fri)
Da Mouth concert @ NTU!
i seriously think shi ling (40) cuter with his current hairstyle. i was searching for his pics online then realized him with black hair (earlier image) wasn't that cute and sunshiney as after a tinge of colour in his hair! his current hairsyle is cuter too! "pong pong" at the top!
Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha
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