I just looked at my previous posts... So long, it's really quite hard to read. Mmm, I shd try to keep things simple and thus easier to read in future. To shorter posts! I'll try!
Yesterday was quite enjoyable though I kinda sulked nearing the end cos I was oversensitive, bet no one realized. I just feel so easily hurt sometimes with Jamie. It's oke ahha, I know she won't read this. I feel that she snaps at me... Maybe she doesn't think so but to me, I feel hurt. So weird... Me, Evelyn and her were having a great time chatting and laughing about stuff. Mmm, need to spend more time with her and not forsake this friendship. m_m
I do feel more at peace with myself now. Yea, I shouldn't have worried so much about the new module cos I got a partner for my pairwork yeah. She's a 3rd yr senior and I recognize her from joining CAC FOC. She was a programmer haha.
I agree with quite a lot of things with Amanda Gore. Shall share more when I finish the book... Think about this... :D
From the book, "Other people do not want you to do unto them what you would have done unto you. They want you to do unto them what they want you to do unto them!... One of the most important questions I think we can ask each other is, 'What do I do that makes you feel I love you?' and then listen very carefully and write down the answers... You may be surprised at the answers you hear. Behaviours or words or actions that mean very little to you can be the thing that makes them feel loved, safe and secure..."
Everything does happen for a reason. I'm starting to think like I used to, the times when I feel very contented and I enjoy everything I do. Enjoy every moment. For eg, on the train to Chinatown for jazz on Sundays in the past. Sometimes I don't really like it, cos it's like such a long way. But when I think of ENJOYING EVERY MOMENT, I'd read or look at what's happening around me. There's so much to learn from our surroundings.
Learning... I wanna learn violin, piano, guzheng, guitar, harp, cooking, how to open myself up more. I always retreat into my shell at first during social situations. But unknowingly, things just seem more acceptable along the way. I'm so amazed when I look back from now to the past, to the beginning where it all started. How I made it so far eventually. I'm seriously gonna try quit worrying and LIVE FOR THE MOMENT!
Amanda Gore's book just reiterated what I once heard on the radio, "What you are doing now is the most important thing." She talked about "mindfulness"... Oh no, cos I scanned thru the book just now at 3 plus am, I can't rmb which part she wrote this bit. I think this is a very impt concept for ppl who like to think anyhow and always end up making themselves miserable. I do that too sometimes. Kyla the social counsellor is here!
I went to JB last weekend, 18-20 Aug 07'... (Sat-Mon) Had great fun as we celebrated Ker Shin Jie-Jie's bday in advance. Thanks to my lurvely Kershin jie-jie, I was fretting at home about school, making frens, lessons, school work and stuff. Taking a break away from my usual environment opened my eyes to stuff and I laughed so hard. Thanks Jessy, Ban Ma, Wen Ping, Foo Soon korkor who came into the room to roll on the mattress a while before going out again ahha...
Shall post up the pics soon. Now, some random pics hee... Very long since I did that huh. Time to liven up my blog again!
Can you do this? How many can? Wahhaha...
The above 5 pics were taken at a get-together chalet, in Apr 07'. Courtesy of dance frens of jss in Kylala's heart. Gone are the days... Phew...
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Maybe I need to blog more? I'm usin my lapp0y now, trying to develop more feelings for it and be more attached to it. It'll be a random post again, don't mind me if I jump around too much, cos if not, I'll write loads and loads and it'll be never-ending, like always in the past. I just can't seem to put everything short and I've got this habit of writing out whatever that is flowing in my mind nw. I deem writing as some sort of purification or cleansing activity, in the sense that I empty whatever's in my head and stuff that bugs me(sometimes) onto paper (in journals) or as posts on my blog... It's cathartic, I mean it.
Wahahaa, I jus realized I have so much to blog about. In other words, spout out... to cleanse, to empty, to purify. Had a great long chat with Caiying aka Joanne yesterday night/early this morn. She was the welfare cum water gurl during my CAC FOC Camp. I realize I've got this urge to want to beat ppl who's had lotsa travelling experiences. For her, she went Germany, London, Sweden and Norway, but she spent like 10K in 5 mths. Wahaha, so MUCH FUN LAH!
I really shd just throw the thought of "safety overseas" for now. It keeps buggin me when I think of travelling. I know "zuo ren ying gai gan cui yi dian", means we should just do what we want and not let stuff hold us back cos we have too many concerns... We ought to be more direct and focused. Do things instead of think here think there, everywhere think think wahaha. Old Macdonald had a farm... Yucks, I'll stop this.
I am childish! I believe we should retain our childlikeness as long as we possibly can. Nvm, this is very contentious, even to myself. There are two sides, two extremes in us. These two extremes of mine can nv stop contradicting themselves. So forget it, I'll stop thinking too MUCH! The problem with me is I think far too much! Ah! During my first Craft of Writing Tut, we had to come up with our own quotes on writing. I came up with "Write it out to stop it shout!" but I nv told anyone about it. Give me ur tots on it!??
Wonder how I managed to link to that aha. Oh no, I kinda feel that in future my blog posts would be full of topics but they have no relation and all and I'm just here, dumping what's inside. There's still quite a bit in there... Moving on...
I've touched a bit abt my fears on travelling alone/with frens, I worry about "safety" cos my parents just keep digging into my brain and planting it there recently. Ever since I talked about going HK in Jun earlier this yr. We didn't go in the end. The good thing is, I have all my savings intact I can prepare for future travelling trips, if I get over the "safety" part. Period for now.
I like to learn abt people, hence Psychology and Sociology. If I were to take these modules in NTU, I'm worried cos of the essays we nd to write. All of a sudden, I gt this great fear of writing essays, I fear I can't write well and there goes my GPA. Not that I'd do very well for Chinese, but at least I'm gonna study hard! YEA, since I'll be paying the highest amt of school fees ever! If I don't do decently well, all that money's gonna go to waste, right?!!! It's my last chance to be a student, being a carefree one (in terms of money), I don't have to work to support myself for now. My parents are supporting me now. Nice parents! :)
I lurve to know about General Knowledge ard the world too, hence I adore reading Times, National Geographic... But GP was difficult for me. I don't really have any particular strong stands towards anything, I'm more of a receiving party, like a sponge absorbing it all. But GP requires u to take a stand, its hard for me, I contradict too much til I don't know what's my stand! Mmm, writing it out kinda makes me realize I'm scared of the essay-writing part cos of GP.
Could anyone just give me any comments about the writing essays part and travelling part?
When Caiying told me about the countries she went to, I also told her I'm a greedy gurl and a copycat. It's just easier to copy what others do when you don't have a strong inkling of what you want... yet. Boo... You don't have to think abt it, just follow and your brain relaxes, without pondering. Thanks Caiying aka. Joanne for sharing so much!
Everything has its good and bad. When we gain something, we lose something. Taking charge of one's own life means we gotta be responsible for what happens due to our decisions at first. I hate myself for having so many worries again. I thought I had got pass that stage in the past. At least when I write, I feel that I am aware of what's in my mind. I can seek help accordingly. Oooh, I should really go back to the "Age of the Self-help Books". I used to read them, so many of them back in sec sch!
Whee, this is a vearry, vary long post...
It's time for me to fathom what "Lurve Myself" really means again... Xiaoxia once told me she read somewhere that fear and lurve are our main emotions. Our decisions, how we think are mostly based on these two. If we lurve, we won't fear and vice-versa. Although I kp writin that, I feel that sometimes I realli know what it means, but other times I dun. It's juz a reminder, but it doesn't help. I could "eat" or "swallow" it but I don't "digest" it.
Enuf for now, I need to read and fansub wahaha... Get more inspiration about my life. Work on my fears, gotta start studying by reading those materials for school!
Oh yea, it was fun when I went home with Ma ytd. I finished sch and walked to her Q-dees to wait for her to get off work. So nice to see all the kids again. Dear Xinmin hugged me before I left, that very vivacious and bubbly child. She can be very moody and temperamental at times and just throw tantrums. But she's warm-hearted and passionate and doesn't care about showing it out! The honest nature of kids! Although they can be pretentious sometimes, but most of the time, they just do whatever comes to mind and nv hold themselves back...
It was damn fun on the way home. My mama was saying "the in front (basket) so heavy, behind also so heavy". She cycled home with me on the seat behind whaaha. We even veered off once into the grass patch from the pavement as we neared our Home Sweet Home. My mama is so adorable at times, felt so blessed and lurved as I tried for the first time to lie my head against her back. I always sit sideways on her bike (bicycle, not motorbike) when she cycles home with me.
My fetish for motorbikes should come from bicycles since I learnt how to cycle when I was 5. Whenever we go Msia, it was a treat to roam the streets (long gai = a term) by our aunts/uncles/cousins/whoever don't mind bringing us along on a motorbike/scooter. Guess it brought me back to my childhood, so excited. IN msia, no need wear helmet as long as we are within the village, not on the main road! It's like no government wahahhah.
Haix... Soz guys, I said I'll stop already but I went on about this last bit. Oh yea, might be going JB for a short weekend trip on Saturday cos Ker Shin jiejie's frens invite me along to celebrate Ker Shin jiejie's bday in advance whaahha. So happy they ask me too! I've never done it before. Though ppl keep saying JB very dangerous, I've never felt it that way cos I was always with my parents, in the car, we don't stop at JB, just move on to where we are going, like my Pa's hometown, after Kota Tinggi, quite near Desaru, more specifically, Jemaluang, 13 miles from Mersing. If we're going back to Ma's hometown, it's straight up to KL, the exact place is Ayer Tawar in the state of Perak.
Adios, Spanish is fun! It's only my 2nd class but I feel so in lurve with it! thanks to Salsa waahhaa...
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I'm gonna blog the following in case I really forget it soon. On 05 Aug 07' (Sun), I had a fuzzy feeling on the car ride from Jemaluang to Singapore - Home Sweet Home.
(*Jemaluang is my Pa's hometown, a rather small village, abt 13 miles from Mersing, Msia. Ppl take a ferry from Mersing to Tioman and some other islands.)
Only me, Pa, Ma & Ah Gong were in the car. It hit me after we had our dinner @ Kota Tinggi (I was so very full). I felt very peaceful and "xin fu". My ma and pa were bickering, they do it usually and Ah Gong was sleeping. I suddenly felt bad bitching abt Ah Gong sometimes with Kelvin and Sang. I went to touch his hair which was as white as snow, he kinda reacted to it by jerking suddenly. Wahha, oh no, why do I feel that it's funny the way I said it.
Then I cried. Tears just trickled down my face. It was very sudden. I felt very touched. My parents were oblivious cos they were too busy bickering and tot I was reading silently at the back. It was quite a suffering to read my fave Chloe King, I had to hold the book up (my arms ached but gd exercise ha!) and use the car lights of cars frm behind. Sometimes, there weren't any cars and I had to wait til the parts of the road where there were street lites so the reading was on and off.
Oh my, I keep digressing ahha.
The summary is: "I cried bcos I felt so fortunate and happy to have my parents still with me. I'm really very lucky, my parents don't really interfere much with what I do, they kinda just let me do what I want as long as I don't do anything bad. Which is what I don't do anyway, I'm such a goody-two-shoes and guai kia.
I know my parents are more understanding than some other parents. I don't have curfews, I don't always have to inform them where I'm going, what I'm doing. As long as I don't get into trouble and I don't bother them about stuff... Oke, the occasional nagging is inevitable but that shows they care about me. There was a period of time when I was very pissed with my Ma cos she was like really heck care about me. I made a big fuss out of it and she quite poor thing haha, she didn't know how to deal with me. I wailed, then after that I cooled down. That was the end of it wahha.
I think it was Chloe who induced it? She's an orphan, really doesn't know who her parents were cos she was like a baby left some place in Russia and the orphanage took her in. Then, she was adopted by her US parents. Maybe that's why I felt tat I'm really one of the fortunate kids who still have parents. I cannot bear thinking how it would be like if I nv got to eat Ma's home-cooked food. I really lurve it and respect it!!!!"
10 Aug 07' (Fri) - Went Velvet Dragon with Min, Xiaoting and Ying Ru at night. Sucks so bad lah! 1st time I wanted to go Union quite badly wahha. Took cab there cos I was lazy to walk all the way to Clarke Quay to take train to Tanjong Pagar. It was only $4.30 after midnt charge. The taxi uncle quite funny lah, he talks in this weird rhythm then he told me I'm like his daughter, 21 yrs, student. I retorted, "Uncle, I look so old meh? I'm not 21 yet! I'm only 19 plus". Actually, I still think of myself as 15/16 yrs waha, so I always feel strange when I have to say I'm 19. I can't possibly lie about my age wad? hehe...
I changed shoes on his cab and he keep saying "man man lai, man man lai..." (means take your time...) He's quite funny lah waha. So lame, when I reached Union, only Rebecca and Jiwei left. I really felt that my role @ Union after the 1st time I went thr was to be part of the audience to be amused and wowed by the entertainers on the dance floor. End of story, bai bai... Thks Jiwei, he danced with me then think cos I nv wear specs, I gt 2 dances. It was the 1st time I danced with strangers in Union! I was rather delighted and got adrenaline rush. Quite fun lah aha.
I kinda pity the 2 guys who decided to dance with me cos I can't follow at times and the Korean guy had to do shines halfway thru when I was so confused and got stuck somewhere wahahahha... The 2nd guy always has a towel around his neck and is quite big-sized then I kept saying "I'm SORRY!". Think I said it for 2 times, then he like spouted the words at my face, a bit like fire (I'm too imaginative), "IT'S OKAY!" rather firmly. I think he was annoyed. Wahaha... That was so funny lah!
11 Aug 07' (Sat) --- Today
I finally updated my "Daily Memories", wrote from 02 Apr - 12 Jun 07', more than 2 mths worth! Think I felt a great load, in a sense. I'm always feeling "heavy", it's like emotional baggage cos I got so many books to update. Hence, whenever I update some or collated the stuff to be written for 1 book, it's auto, I do feel a sense of relief.
Did exercises too! Realized that working in Tour East really hectic til I gave up on home exercises. It's true, no wonder working adults, especially those office people really quite unhealthy. I got back ache that time lah! The only good thing is you don't have to spend time rotting, waiting for time to pass. Days pass very fast and I realized that I don't think about unnecessary stuff like I always used to when I was schooling - which led to self-inflicted misery. Got so much time in sch to daydream cos you're bored in lessons.
I'm gonna stop for now. Don't feel like putting up any pictures ahha. Oh yea, I took some pics in Velvet Dragon. The Ladies is so nice lah! Like some secret chamber in a palace. I even counted the no. of red lamps on the wall at the bar counter - 32. Does this show how bored I was?
It's subbing time now. I am so guilty. Episode 13 has been on hold for a few months, I guess. Not much people actually post on the softsubs thread of TWFX these days, just me and some regulars ahha.
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Spent National Day (09 Aug 07') at Moi Aunt's house, her housewarming party aha. Ate and ate and ate soooo much, but it's like I'm bored. I just lazed around, read Harry Potter 1, I really let you down Hailin ahhaha... I took quite a no. of pics with Yin Qian, my lil' cousin. She's just so lurvely and cute! Watching her is so fun and feels so happy about it. Yeah, spending more time with kids!
Clubbing on National Day Eve (08 Aug 07') really sucked. But thanks, I got to meet up with Min. It's so funny too ahhahhwa... Stupid St James, "this old man"... wahha... Ma said Pa was angry with me but like no sign of that. He always never tell me out right what he says but Ma says he tells her that I'm wad wad wad sometimes. I lurve my parents.
Went for a short weekend trip to Jemaluang on 04-05 Aug 07' (Sat - Sun), really felt very tired throughout it. Ker Shin jie just dragged me out to play with her frens and they are great company. So funny la! I've got quite a few pics they took that day. Her fren, Jessy's camera (Sony) is really great.
I'm being so random now, yeah! Saves me the need and "zhi zhuo" sense to write and write and write. I am so sorry to all the TWFX fans out there, I'm so slow in releasing, still at epi 13 and my timer for ep14 is in Japan now so she only timed 4 mins for me awhha. Anyone not in the fansubbing world, think most ppl who read my blog are awahah. I'm just trying my luck, does anyone know what to use to time rmvb video files?
Find the nice and random pics below... OH my, cos I really lurve all the pics of Yin Qian, I couldn't be bothered to select a few and I end up posting all. There are some beach pics too, but I won't upload too many of this. This post is already as long as it is. I'll save more of the pics for uploading next time. Yeah, so happy! My blog is so colourful. Dammit, it's like I only know the word "happY" to explain how elated I'm feeling. Who cares...










She can't really pose naturally when you ask her to smile when she take pics wahha. She's damn cute la! Like "a bundle of joy", what "The Sims 2" uses when babies are born wahha.
Last 2, so cute right! Oh my goddess! Such a cute baby! She calls herself "mei mei" waha. I did the expression I did with her and her reaction is the same expression! Wahh!
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Whew, I just saw the blog entry in my blog (the 400th post), it's really a lot, great! Can be a milestone that it's the 400th post since I seldom blog these days ahha... We'll see, whether I'll be more attached to the com after I start sch or during work. Eh, actually not fair, cos I don't have much time at home when I worked last time due to a lot of time spent in office then Xen after work haa. We'll see...
Goodiness, this is so lame = me thinking so much about it. Well, I'll just post a few more pics. Actually the 4 pics posted below in the previous post (400th post) are pics taken during the Salsa Festival at Xenbar la. The festival was from 11-17 Jun 07' and we did quite a number of performances aha!
Dun u think this looks v. crazy and mad?
Argh! But it's very natural, just wad we
we were doing ha.
Gee, this pic is nice hee!
To me la...
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Thu (02 Aug 07')
Voluntary wrk for Xenbar, being a demonstrator in Woodgrove Primary School with Bianca and Jiwei while Manfred led the dance session Damn tired but it was great exposure and so much fun, esp when we were really close to the kids. One Malay gurl told me, "U look like Ugly Betty!" I was shocked at tat and all I could say was "So bad!" and she went "Juz kidding"... It's only my specs, not my face hah... Some o the kids were really cute and I smiled at some of them and so happy when they smiled back. Looking at them really made me forget all those minute troubles I have. Somehow, I feel that people sometimes give themselves problems to bother/worry about jus cos we don't have war, poverty or starvation...
Met up with Xiaoxia and Evelyn to eat in JP Kopitiam after all. So nice to catch up but as usual, we are like rushing, as we always do when we eat. We're so afraid we'd run out of time, we need to meet up MORE OFTEN! Xiaoxia was like worrying about her bidding of modules in NTU, Evelyn dunno what, I was worrying about rushing to Xenbar as early as possible for the dance class and hee...
Performance at Butter Factory at night! Kat is so...! Dunno-what-to-say. I know she likes to tease me the more I back away from her or stuff like that. Before that in Xen, when we were preparing, making-up, going thru the choreo and stuff, so happy to see hee, but nv talk much but still happy all the way! Cant divulge too much = more ppl read my blog these days wahhaha... I remember dunno-who-say some of the gurls have potential to be porn stars wahhha, damn funny! Just DAMN entertaining! My first supper with Xenbar peeps, thou I got diarrhoea on Fri morn when I woke and missed the collection of my matriculation card from 9am-12pm. Whatever, I really kinda heck care for uni stuff... Will talk more about it later. Anyway, IT WAS GREAT FUN! WAHAH! I really think Xenbar ppl can "zi high", make themselves high without anyone else ahha!
Fri (03 Aug 07')
Woke up late, thks to Wai Hwang for the ride home! I'm not saying it like it's his fault! I'm thanking him and showing him appreciation for the ride ahahha... What I meant was got home late like at 3 plus in the morn cos of the performance then woke up late too, like at 2 plus pm! Met Evelyn for lunch at the temple kopitiam at Blk 900 plus. I discovered a great place for big, satisfying containers of ALMOND JELLY! So happy! Wahh!
The ceremony thing was quite funny, not to be impolite. It was very much like Nat'l Day, me and Evelyn kinda feel that the MJ performance was a bit inappropriate cos all the professors were there! It'd be totally awesome in a club performance/hiphop competitn cos the dancers got that hip-hop "Take it or leave it" attitude! Waha! Met Alicia and Linnet n we took balloons (me - Pink + Red, Linnet - Blue) and we walked all the way home, Evelyn left us halfway to return her rented videos hahah...
Damn funny - really laughed loads! Rushed home to do my matriculation stuff and so dead beat! My relatives had to choose that time to come over (7 plus pm when I was panicking over my matriculation thing) whaha. I would really lurve it when they came over but I was too anxious over uni stuff, deadline at 10pm that day! Sang's (potato) ma (2nd Aunt), my 5th aunt, a guy cousin (same age) and a nephew (toddler) just arrived last Fri frm Msia so the other relatives in Spore came over to visit. My Grandpa just had a bad fall and his right eye's really swollen, the part of his forehead above his right eye too... Quite poor thing. At nt, went Union, 1st time ever! Met Wan on the train before there, jus talked to Jamie b4 he came onto the train ha. So entertaining to watch, be part of the audience in Union Square ha!
Thanks Jiwei + Becky + Jaymes + Lance and whoever was there. Feels quite lost if I went alone! There's this particular guy in white and it's quite evil but when he slightly moves more vigorously, his shirt is lifted and I could see a bulge there. It's just flab and it's gross cos it wiggles! Ugh... But the thing is he's so confident! Oh mi goddess! Shall stop and stop grossing you all out. I just think IT'S REALLY FUN TO WATCH! Great entertainment! NO one will know who you're laughing at cos so many ppl are there haa, ppl might think you're just amused by a certain move that someone did ! Wa Ha Ha!
Saturday (04 Aug 07')
Went back to Jemaluang with Pa, Ma and Grandpa (maternal). So cute (KerShin jiejie said), cos her father called my father to ask him to go back if he's free, there's like this celebration at the temple cos of some god/deity's birthday. Pa still said he tot what happened when he got a call frm msia at work! Wahah! I think my Great Uncle (eldest brother of my Pa) misses my Pa now that my paternal grandpa had passed away and we don't go back as often! It was quite a different experience cos I went to play with KerShin jiejie and her frens. KerShin so funny la, really like drag me along when I just returned from the temple. Then I went again and we went Mersing and her frens damn funny la! They also made me feel very at ease by talking to me, it was so lame and funny ahha!
Sunday (05 Aug 07')
We went to "Air Papan", it's a beach, I was really very tired, then ate a lot and felt so sinful! AHHHH! Then I tot, "Just forget it and eat to my fill for once la" cos it's not often that I snack that much. One of the fren called "Zebra/Ban Ma" cos he like to wear striped shirt, he's damn funny la, like to take pics everywhr he goes. Nv see guy who like to take pic that much, his poses are the same and he take many pics of the same pose haha! Kershin said even when they go out for meals in JB, he'd take pictures ahahhah! So funny!
In the end I really enjoyed myself. I was in a dilemma earlier on if I shd go back or not cos I had promised Georgelyn to work in Tour East and gt dance in Xenbar on Sat night. I shouldn't be that indecisive so I asked Sang and she was like just go back if u feel like it, won't be that many chances for us to go back in future cos we'll get busier and lazier haha. I REALLY ENJOYED MYSELF! oH yah, not to forget that I bought a big box of almond jelly from that temple kopitiam near Evelyn's place for 4 bucks and really ate and ate like G3 (I think only Evelyn and Shu recognizes this haha)
Whee, I should probably talk a bit abt my CAC FOC Itineris 07' soon. I'm supposed to be really chatty and talkative and blog a lot, but it's true that I don't have enough time to keep blogging everyday. Why am I so busy? Oke, I know the answer... I like to be busy and do many things cos I hate to rot and waste my time doing nothing. Oke, contradiction here - It's nice to rot and jus enjoy doing nothing, slow down the pace of ur lifestyle... Modernity has sped up the pace of our lifestyle and I very often feel disoriented or time just passed so fast and we grow old fast!
Argh, one more yr to 20 yrs! The start of the "2" age....!!! Will post some pics below... My 1st day of sch (jus now) was quite rotten, not the usual 1st day of sch. Shall talk about it later wahha... I already wrote so much up there. Urgh, I shd probably go back to writing my journal, I tot of writing it once I got home before blogging but came to the com and jus nv left aft that ahha.
- Talk about CAC Foc Itineris 07'
- Talk about 1st day of sch (06 Aug 07' Monday)
P.S. Thanks to all the seniors like Zhi Liang, Gilbert korkor, Patrick, Jiaxin, Eunice, Shuwen... OG mates like Ming Feng (told me so much about the system in NTU), Joan, Jingchu, Cheng Guan and many more who always participate in the group convos in Msn aha. Damn funny la! Thanks to the seniors especially who told me so much though I was quite confused but cleared up some doubts too haha... It's just tototally weird, the world we live in, I mean. I shd probably just stop typing now that I'm so tired haa... It's a hot hot day! The umbrella shall bcum a permanent resident in my bag in future! (PR cos can leave when need to leave but will reside there if possible ha!) Like so "Xiao Jie" (like so spoilt and fussy), but I really don't want to die of skin cancer! Come on la, all that UV rays, as well as the sweltering heat! Everyone is becoming roasted pigs! Wahha! Thanks Diana and Evelyn! So lazy to chg colour ahha... But will still do it eventually. Xen later after dinner, shd make me happier and less sulky!
Some really random pics ha!

This is me, thinking of a hairstyle
for the beginners' in-house com on
14 Jun 07' (Thu). In Tour East, ah,
I miss my office!

Me & Corn(Cornelius), he's like
MIA for the past few weeks from
Xen haa. We got 2nd hee!

Oke, this is a weird pic, I'm like
playing with the effects of diff
expressions with mycam phone!
(VGA) ahha...
This feels as if I'm out of the pic.
Really, I just put my body and
head there when they were about
to take the pic, I think!
One of the few decnet pics I look
when pics were taken candidly or
when I wasn't aware! We were
doing Men's Shine's performance!
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