{/Love You More and More.
{/Wednesday, May 28, 2008, @4:32 PM.
{ I'm a Hiker Gurl }
Title: I'm a Hiker Gurl

I just went hiking myself up to this place called the Observation Point. It's my 2nd time up there. We went with a lot of people on my first time up there during the Full Moon Hike. To be exact, I went with Evelyn, Carlos (columbian whom I speak Spanish to ha - to improve), Sze Ying, Dawn, Terence and Kai Lun. We were late so we were catching up with people who went with the guided hike "Full Moon Hike" on last Monday (19 may 08').

Neways, the point is it's the first time I hiked myself and was pretty scared at first cos all sorts of sounds could be heard. But they are new and refreshing - first time I hear them like that. Evelyn is my shadow n I'm Evelyn's shadow. If I went hiking alone, it meant I don't talk (I don't really talk to myself) so it was all quiet, just my footsteps and sounds frm nature...

But it's great in the sense that it's my first time going on a hike alone and spending some lone time. Hee. I spent 20 mins at the top writing a journal entry. Felt so peaceful there after I tried to overcome my fear of meeting wild animals and I'll never make it down. But yea I reached the top and went to the solitary geyser. I'll take pics of that in future if I go there again. 2 people reached shortly after me and we just stared at the geyser for a couple of mins. It's supposed to erupt to 4 feet every 5 to 7 mins but guess it's either the board was lying or we weren't lucky. I think we waited there for 10 mins but there were only boiling of water and a little eruption of about a few inches - hahaha...

Oh man, why am I ranting and blubbing non stop. I apologize to those who read my blog and realized I haven't been updating or online. Mama, I feel so sorry I hadn't gone online for a while to chat with you all... I don't really miss home and I'm bad that I forgot that you all at home miss me. I lurve you Mama and everyone else, Papa, Sang sang, Kelvin....

Thks Yu for making me feel missed. Min too! I'm having fun - yes! But I get a bit down sometimes, it's just my moods. Yesterday, I felt sad cos I realized June is coming soon and I'm out of this place after 19 Jul. Freaking sad... I grow attached the places and people really easily... Melancholy - not good. Thks Eileen (Spanish)...

"most impt is to enjoy ur time there
use whatever time there to enjoy and experience
bring back wonderful memories
u will be back there again one day:D" (on msn jus now)

and Li Ru for telling me to just enjoy all my days that I've got left here. This journey must end somehow. Tarot cards are so sweet! A lil' weird that I use sweet, it's so nice to use but I don't dare to say it here. I hear many americans say "sweet", it's really sweet when it's sweet. Oke, I'm rubbishing again ...

Some pictures I've yet to post up... I will also do a mini log of what I did everyday for the past week or so to remind myself as well as update you all who miss me back home! I'm having real lots of fun during hiking (though I get out of breath sometimes - the high altitude), taking millions of pictures of myself with diff backgrounds and expressions and poses... Laughing @ Jeffery/Jeremy/Jeremiah, AnDREW, with Evelyn, @ Terence... Dian Xian Gang haha... Dear Abbie I lurve you for taking us out on West Yellowstone trip ( really lots of fun, we were tourists! Abbie's one of our assistant managers at Bear Paw Deli and she even treated us lunch after driving us out to West Yellowstone)... I have so many pictures I want to put everything up but dammit that the connection is so slow sometimes...

Yea, I found a way... That is to resize them til they are much smaller. But it's alright cos I want to just show my belurved ones the pictures I have with me now... I really had so much fun taking all of them! Also, I want my dear mama and papa to rmb how I look like! My blood-related family, I'm here, right in front of you!

Connection is so much better in the wee hours - dammit it's 3.19am on 28 May 08' (wed), I'm opening later (P1 - Prep 1), means I work frm 9am - 5.30pm cos Drew is off later haa. Normally, he's the Prep master and he opens. He's so cute and nice - he gave me a necklace with a pagan sign - called a pentagram... :DDDD

I'm still posting the pics of 12 May 08' (Monday), our first day off and I went on this trail called Morning Glory. It's a loop and that was the first day we took so many pictures since reaching Yelllowstone...

The last time it snowed was a few days ago and damn...
No one wanted to eat ice-cream.
On that day I worked ice-cream, it was so slow n boring haha.
Neways, this was part of wat we saw on the trail when there was still snow...

Me and my snowboy.
Terence in feizai yi (fatty coat) and his snowman haa.
So much fun - really :D
I had a little bit of a snowball fight with Evelyn too. Damn, it hurts!

Pictures we took by "Beauty Pool"
I'm so fat haa... Thks to Terence's fatty coat - I was warm!

Kyla - Pop.
Evelyn - so cute and funny!

Bandy/Sam --- this is for you! sNow ANGEL! Like in Sims 2 hee! It's really cold though...

Nice snow pictures whee - I lurve it!

This is Morning Glory Pool itself.
It's really beautiful but it's hot and our dear fren, Terence the fatty coat's owner took so many pictures of himself there that Evelyn and I almost froze and became snowgurls... -_-

I'm really very cold - look like grasscutter in Singapore huh... Bad UV rays too...

Evelyn and I sat on snow-laden benches while waiting for Terence.
It was funny though haha. I caught them in the act - candid! Yea!

Alrighty, I can't take it anymore.
It's almost 4am here. Damn! Night/Morning all! Have great, lurvely, fantastic days!

对不起,我会找时间和你聊天的。不好意思,您操心了。你有办法在上班前和我聊天吗?Sorry, Wed - I work frm 9am-5.30pm, Thu - 10 - 6.30pm. 唯一能聊天的时间是我上班前或之后。如果是我上班前,那就是新加坡的9点到10点之间。那就等于我得早早起身,但没关系。:D 什么事在blog告诉我也行。较快可以看到。。。 晚安。照片美吗?我开始想念你们了。不然,一直工作,出外玩或远足时都不会去想家。我开始对Yellowstone感到不舍。两个多月不够!好,我不可以贪心,


Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha

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