I really regret not cultivating a love for it. The one i'm currently reading is jap manga and it's about lovey dovey stuff ha. But there's more to it. It's not ur average love story where there is just love, love and love. The artist is crazy too, from the rather often expressions that she puts in her comics from time to time about her life and what she feels abt stuff... So, it talks about the ugly side of a human. That people put up a facade and they expect themselves to be well-liked in that.
I also feel that my language is still a bit weird, is it? Pam the great english master, pls correct me if i do hahaha... I still feel kinda out of touch with my adjectives and verbs and expressions of English. Even if that is so, I have to say after reading more things recently, the touch is starting to come back bit by bit, gradually. and i have a NEW TAG BOARD! SO PEOPLE PLEASE TAG!!!! I know many peeps out there dunno I have a tag board cos I din say anything abt it at all, except to Tyris hee. so she's the first alien to leave something in it. What i mean by alien is that i'm the native in my tag, so all others are aliens. But it's an alien community isn't it? though we are all human beings, everybody is so different from each other, and i'm aware that my imagination is wandering off, treading in dangeous waters. Oh my, is that expression right? English masters or mistresses ha!!???
n.. i really wanna watch FULL HOUSE SOMEDAY!!
English mistress??!! Actually it sounds cool though, it's as though I'm an English lass haha.. I'd be over the moon with joy if I do pass GP.. Anyway what's full house about? Sounds familiar to me.. Woo! Let's have a movie marathon someday!
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Your Hidden Talent |
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Your Hawaiian Name is: |
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You Are 14 Years Old |
![]() 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
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D+ |
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What a site. I will be back often. I wish you the best of luck with this site.
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The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
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I go to gakko almost mainichi!
You Are a Schoolgirl! |
![]() You're not quite as wild as a "kogyaru", but with your short plaid skirt and silly white socks, you're still a sexual fetish object. You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places, collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends. You may not be as innocent as you look. Did those vending machine panties once belong to you? |
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Your Inner Child Is Sad |
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Your Inner European is French! |
![]() Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
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though nothing is absolute...
trait snapshot:
neat freak, organized, worrying, phobic, fears the unknown, irritable, pessimistic, emotionally sensitive, fears chaos, risk averse, fragile, unadventurous, depressed, frequently second guesses self, likes to fit in, does not like to stand out, perfectionist, hard working, does not like to be alone, clingy, dependent, practical, ordinary, cautious, takes precautions, good at saving money, suspicious, heart over mind, busy, altruistic
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Global Personality Test Results |
Stability (33%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun. Extraversion (53%) medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting. |
personality tests by
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Oops... I forgot...
Ok... i got it back again. It's like whenever I go back to Msia or wherever, ok the place I've visited the most times in the past 10 yrs is Msia. Or rather, the only place I've stepped out of Sg is Msia. I should count the no. of chops I get just by passing the customs at the borders. It is especially so for this year, what with my grandma's passing away and the gnawing feeling that we have to visit our grandpa as often as we can now. He's born in 1914, which makes him 91 years of age in 2005. Ha. It's typical to see me not getting into what I wanted to say after so many sentences...
As I was just telling Potato on Mon or Tue, I can't remember, that I'd find it very hard to get back into equilibrium after even a short weekend trip to elsewhere. Cos it made me forget the stress and bustle of city life. Though we live in the suburbs of Singapore, far from the centre town area and it's generally quiet here as compared to other areas where the train travels, we still feel the same fast-paced rhythm of modern, city life. That is why I love to go back to Msia, though it can be kinda dirty at some places and everything is not that convenient. I feel calmer, refreshed, and best of all, rejuvenated. There's this reassuring peace I feel whenever I take a walk along the asphalt road whereby flowers or grasses and trees further away reside... Ha, reside, i seriously dunno where my english is at nowadays. I think it's become kinda quirky. Ok, gotta solve this problem so if anyone notices anything wrong with my usage of English, pls tell me cos i'd very much appreciate it.
It's better to ask stupid qns than to be ignorant of even that stupid qn's answer. There's a better way of putting it but i forgot, so i came up with this. Anyone who disagrees, pls tell me bravely haha...
N in case anyone is interested in JA, the little boy in the pic with me. As in, at least one person is interested and it's Tyr cos she asked me about him, though i wonder if she asked me only to ask something haha... Though I replied her on her blog, i would like to say that I have to bring myself to say that I dunno much about him... So far, he's quiet when he's with me but I know he's definitely not one who's like that with his siblings or family or frens... Hence, I couldn't hide my surprise when he stood behind me and poked 2 fingers into my both sides. Hope you get what i mean. It happened when I met him on the last day in Msia and just before we got ready for my cousin's wedding in the evening later. He had never done that to me and it's a pleasant surprise actually.
I'm done, gotta catch some sleep. Maybe we're going swimming later though we haven even asked the person who owns the place ahaha...
Oh, to follow up on the loss of balance thingy after trips away from Singapore, I feel very miserable and find it hard to pick up momentum after I come back. It's bad, especially on that Monday when i went back for lessons. It's like a little more than a week to the promos at that time and I JUST DUN WANNA STUDY!!! It's really terrible... It's as if the things that happened in the course of abt 2 days in Msia took place over a much longer period of time. If I were in Singapore on the weekends, my activities would generally be the same ha. Like that of a hermit crab, I suppose. couch potato maybe. Or the once in a blue moon mad athlete who just does exercises as and when she likes it. Mostly, I watch TV, use the com, drink water, bathe, sleep, read stuff, go out for dinner with family or big family. Big family means aunts, uncles and cousins...
But I know I'm growing, as in i learn to take things in stride better. LIke it takes a shorter time for me to get used to life as a student in Singapore after hanging out with mad frens and talking to my beloved Potato ha. Not to forget that today HL and Y was telling me that I've changed a lot and i'm a new person. I've noticed it, but with other pple telling u that, it just makes u believe even more that you're right. Isn't it amazing how what others say can make or break your day? But it's better to make it haha...
I wanna be a truck driver, to send truckloads of love to my dear frens and family ha.*Truckloads* -<> got it from dear HL, the xmas girl ha!!! Yippee... Promos coming on next Thu, and though next Mon and Wed is a study break and we have no sch, i gotta be in the premises of the school on Mon for sale of tickets-> Grad nite business. Think it's fun... Rugby boi haha... or RB or ribena! I'm gonna stop at just RB ha. With no further ado, i'll stop my fingers and try going off to bed now...
Hey gracias.. I see ur blog has been spammed too.. well at least I think so coz I've got all those comments by anonymous people saying what a wonderful blog I have.. And it was kinda unexpected seeing RB popping up in ur blog :)
whoa..some stranger complimented you!=Danw.u r juz so long winded as usual haha.but so u n funny=)
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It has been an eventful week! I've chanced upON new forms of ENTERTAINMENT and it could jolly well be my hobbies in the future ha! You can call it fighting, or PUSHING! The main action involved is pushing with a rather intense force, till the victim retreats or is "uprooted".(as in moves back, not throw up in the air-->Yeeky!den go and eat dinner or rice or bee hoon...) Did that with Eve once and she noogied me(copied from the Sims2 ha) Fun... I'm just a psychopath who loves to be inflicted with pain (ah... it excites me ha!) and be simple and pure at the same time. Well, it's ironic. If i put them tgt at the same time, it will never happen i reckon ha. Enough of these weird musings for now.
Did i mention about my trip to Msia? Ok, i checked my blog and realized I did. So not gonna touch on that. Meanwhile, I feel like i'm enjoying lessons more and more, but my love of Econs can be further nurtured. Did i use nurture right? I especially love chinese lessons. I'm kinda scared i'll bcum a chinese freak but i dun think so... What makes u think that people who are really into Chinese are freaks? Ok, take it that i din say anything abt it haha... and i think chinese is very beautiful, as do all languages. But, sadly, acc. to the travel book writer, he says that China is already starting to throw away all the things that make their civilization different from others. He mentions that what makes Chinese so different from the rest is that they have managed to find the essence of everything, which is balance. It's like there must be a high, and then a low. It's a cycle. Like yin and yang, male and female, sun and moon, happiness and sadness and bla bla examples. So, Chinese have faced nature, life, death, everything in a very much DIFFERENT WAY from other civilizations. Hence, fengshui came up...
*~I wouldn't want to forget~*
I forgot what exactly we were talking abt after school today. But, HL and Y talked abt something like Monsters Inc. I din have the slightest idea wad they were on abt though i was indeed following their conversation. Den, I asked is it a cartoon? They both nodded and I said, "No wonder I dunno." That brought abt a chain reaction. Both of them turned to their right and started laughing. i dunno why the favouritism of the right side, but i think that's a preparation to laugh hahaah... So that's why we started talking about how some things are not funny to the person who did it or said it, but it's just pure joy for others in the vicinity who heard about it ha.
I dunno when it started, but sometimes HL laughs silently... aka. silent laughter haha... this is kinda funny if u see the "unexpectedness" of it. I think it's nice, brings out her mysterious characteristic and it reminds me of a cousin, Potato's Third sis, Raechal.(cos she does that sometimes) I was commenting about it and Y suddenly asked, "Why you like always in Xmas mood ar?" our faces both showed question marks and HL asked "Wad?" She totally shocked the nerves out of us(i dunno whad is this expression abt ha! I just wanna say it caught us by TREMENDOUS SURPRISE) by saying, "Silent night!" Can you all get it. *ROARS IN LAUGHTER AWHWHAHHAWHAHHA* If you dun, go and reflect on the wild streak and imagination in you!
Oh ya, before all that... the last lesson, GP.
Mr Shankar, one of my fave teachers let us off earlier and we stayed back to ask him some qns and ended up starting a little chat. Then Y decided to tell him that he resembles Drew Barrymore at the area below his nose. He was very much amused and gave out chortles of laughter haha... He even said, "Well, that's the nicest comment I've gotten..." N Hel was like, "But that's a girl. Wouldn't u think that it's not man?" His reply was, "Well, Drew Barrymore is an attractive woman. And I would prefer to look like a beautiful woman than an ugly man..." Haha... We lmao again ha. Recently, there's too much cases for lmao and it has brought back the balance in my life hahah...
I really must say how amazing and wonderful balance is. It's so important yet many people dun think much of it. Being able to change sadness, pain, grieve and wadever bad feelings to happiness, joy, and nice feelings as time passes. Balance is achieved. Ok, this is my own logic. But it's true that chinese believe in balance. If i'm anywhere wrong, pls tell me. Of cuz, there might be some people out there who are sad and miserable all their lifes. But there's NO one perfect situation in which everything is good or entirely bad. There will ALWAYS Be PROS AND CONS in every situation! Optimistic people see what they want to see, and that goes for the same for Pessimists.
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Ok, hope I'm not too awful with that pose. I think it's nice, like a carefree little girl who lives in the countryside. But according to my mum, i look awful, with that berms on. She hates me wearing it haha...
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i told him to go stand in the midst somewhere further from me. So cute right!!! m_m
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Without specs, I hope people who know me in person can tell me I look natural in it ha. Cos I dun think so it does. I wouldn't have put this pic up. But i did cos i wanna hear the comments ha..
nice pictures actually!
country country and ya
its realli realli funny
to see u without specs smiling so silly!!!!!!!!
seeems like u love tat little fren of urs.
he looked realli pleasantt to me.
is he more of active or quiet?
enjoy ur life!
By Makan Girl, at 10:11 PM
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The sun still strains my eyes, even though it's already 4 plus, nearing 5 in the evening ha. This shows how small my eyes are.. ha... I'm holding the camera with my hands... I look... demented?
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tHIS LOOks happier! I think we wanna say we love the lalang!!! I made JA hold one in his hand when he took the pic with the white car too ha...I shd have taken more pics...
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Ok, this was taken by JA... He caught it on purpose I'm sure ha. Cos he had a sneaky grin. I was teaching him how to do it. believe it or not, we took all the pics by ourselves only. I had on the timer when we took pics together ha... Remarkable right! Woo hoo! I look like "WAD!"
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this is one of the few pics we took somewhere further off the house we were from. I adore this place. Simplicity, filled with nature!
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Lesson In Life:
A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer. The lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite. The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.
When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups."
"Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy/taste the water in it."
"Faith gives us a new vision of the world. Without it we see only the darker side of life. We are still slaves. It is faith which liberates us and makes us see the Spirit of power and love at work in our lives."
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I felt something rather funny. It's a peculiar feeling, I really dun wanna say much. This feeling is scary, as well as quirky. But, it's kinda sweet too hee. Talking it over with Potato on the phone just now and with friends earlier on in the day, but this is mostly from Potato: "That would be the kind of guy you admire deep down." I couldn't agree with it better. N it's a fact that "You won't have the person, and you won't lose the person too." Ha, so it's a kinda pleasant feeling, and considering that I only see the person for at most 5 times a year, it's pretty safe. Moreover, the feeling would just pass soon after.
Had fun taking the pics(as put up) just before we went to the wedding on Sun 18th Sep ha. Was being rushed pretty much ha, cos I'm one of the last few to bathe to get ready to go to the restaurant where they were holding it. There's this really hilarious woman wearing a Peranakan suit or sth. We thought she was one of the bride's relatives, but she was a worker at the restaurant in the end ha. She's really sporting, dancing and all that. I dunno if she enjoys that, but we did enjoy that ha. As usual, people would tell me to stop eating that much but all I eat all the vegetables and fried rice haha... In the end, we reached singapore at about 12.20am or so this morn... which is 19th Sep Mon hee haw... Den finished watching the MY DATE WITH A VAMPIRE III (i lurVE it!!! m_m) and read a bit of the travel book before sleeping at about 2.30am... so was dead beat this morn. Dun tell anyone *sheepish and sneaky look* but i went to sick bay for first hour to skip GP cos i din do homework during the trip in msia hee... then felt a little rejuvenated and it's so great that school ended at 12pm today!!! Yippee! Cos afternoon classes was cancelled ha.
More about the boy Jian An. Do you think he's cute? I forgot how i knew them. Think it was a wave to all 3 of them one day goodness knows how many years ago, maybe 1, 2 or 3? I really dunno haha. I know that scares the shit out of some people, especially kids. They get so shy that they just look u straight in the eye for one sec before they turn their attention elsewhere, guess it's they can't bear to look at me or sth ha. So, I'm really glad that him and his bro (i seldom see his sis) dun ignore me. Coincidentally, I get to see the youngest of all, which is Jian An more often so I smile at him n talk nonsense to him at times ha. Though it's very rare ha... N the friend of my cousin, I know he's called Daniel, is so CUTTEEE!!! hAHHA, he really livened up the atmosphere when they went to get the bride from her house on sunday morning haha... So funny, no wonder his son also so cute. I really cannot help but mention it...
... I must remember these things, night-patrolling with a cousin, a case of mistaken identity during the night patrolling by another cousin ha(who was pretty embarrassed and got laughed at by another cousin who got to hear of that story later ha) "FAt Girl" murmurings in my ears by a not very tall cousin ha, "dai lou bear"->typical Msia Ah beng but not really ah beng. Haha..., snacking on prawn crackers late at night, ok and a very polite teasing, "Ah ger, you have grown shorter", which means I'm fatter... haha... They dun let me eat mooncake tooh ha.. and a praise by my aunt, and 2 defendants of the "fat"(me) victim.... Haha...
But anyway, today is not really a study day. and I'm so glad it's pretty much over, but gonna do some studying later. Procrastination is not a way of resolution anyway. Hope Pam does well with Peter Pan ha! Oh ya, before I forgot, there's this really cute Pri. Sch girl who went "One, two, three, four, FIVE!" when she was waiting for the traffic light to turn green man so she could cross the street. Guess she and her lil' bro almost went berserk and it's just SIMPLY JOY to watch their Mum trying to control them ha...
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By 10:24 PM
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this is another one of jian an's. he has one elder bro and sis. He's the youngest hee. cute, notice in the future pics i put up of him, he always has the same smile on ha.
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this is the mini road i was referring to. Sometimes, there are houses on the other side, but there are the lush greenery sometimes...
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Another one of what i see across the mini road that separates houses... aiya, it's kinda hard to describe...
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The following will be some views of what I see when i stand in front of my Third Aunt's house...
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Me and a boy named Jian An. He lives in San Ban Tou, or Jemaluang, somewhere near a little town called Mersing in Johore. The first pic we took yesterday, Sun 18 Sep, before I had to get ready for my cuzzy's wedding! :p
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Due to some things I just discovered, I wasn't that happy, but when it all sorted out, I heaved a huge sigh of relief *PhEw* Spent quite a lot of time with Eve and Pam after sch yest, it was great though we were pretty silent, except for the animated chatter with Eve on the bus home. I really must finish reading the travel book, it's so insightful. The author is in Malacca now, not yet Singapore(in the book) ha. I was just too GLAD GLAD GLAD to finish GP essay, which I fell asleep on Mon at 8 plus and couldn't do the GP essay on Mon itself cos Tue was the deadline ha. Having done the make-up Chinese Literature test also lifted a boulder on my shoulder though I wasn't really that stressed abt it.
There was a blackout on MON, just when I was watching PRIDE while eating from a packed box of food. It lasted for about 15 mins but boy! that feels like 15 hrs. J.k. it's not that bad ha. I gotta know some facts about soya bean and was kinda excited for Cyb, weird but, well... Anyway, the DAMNED BLACKOUT had to happen when Halu is introducing Aki to the reporters to say that she's his mum la, lolx haha... :) And when me and Bro went out to see what's happening, my neighbours said they were eating too and the food almost went through the noses ha...
I LURVE TAO YUAN MING! He's a guy from ancient China who wrote many good works in Literature. It seems as if he gave up being an official and moved to the outskirts to lead a simple life and was able to provide for himself just cos he didn't think getting a salary of a few bits of rice could make him act very hypocritically. Hope u get what i mean ha. Nonetheless, I think living in the past is SSOOO nice. Though my Dad says if i really did, I wouldn't say so cos there's nothing to do in the past. It's all the media's fault, cos the shows they produce of people in the past seem so much a dream and a fantasy... Pooh! Most people had to do menial tasks, agriculture, fishing and primary activities ha. But, what i thought was if life was so simple back then, my thinking would be simple too cos it's moulded by the environment. Ok, I dunno how to go on from here but that's just part of my random musings again ha. I'm so so so ECSTATIC that i take Chinese Literature whereby I can learn about all the ancient people though there are some parts of the exam which i would rather not attempt like explaining and answering long qns ha.
I also told Pam about Francis Xavier, this Spanish Jesuit mentioned in my book that was exhumed more than a few times and mutilated after his death. Ha, that was so funny although i think it's kinda miserable. Someone who died, but din die in peace, if he does know that people on earth are cutting parts of him for either their own admiration or to satisfy their weird desires ha. Cos death failed to decompose his body, he had blood and he had flesh. People, of cuz, got curious and there is perfectly inelastic supply ha, that means people would get the same supply no matter how much they pay just cos the product/good is really limited. Ha, and it's even mroe pathetic that after his death,his statue in Malacca made for him after abt 400+ years he died was also incomplete, his right arm was mutilated by a casuarina tree's branch ha. Poor guy, but he's a Saint, according to Pam ha.
Nightime comes, had some nice conversations with people and everything feels so light all of a sudden. The weekend saga was over, thank goodness. As in after i've sorted it out myself. Friends are still so important, even more old frens and cousins and aunts and uncles and relatives. Yeah, going back to Mersing, Johore this Fri, we gotta attend a cousin's wedding on the lunar moon cake festival, which is 18th of Sep, this Sun ha. But maybe me and my "old" girls are going to sing our hearts out. FINALLY! I really miss the days during the hols when we could go sing after we got our wages or before that at Partyworld ha. Singing does save the soul ha! SING FOR LIFE! AND DANCE OF CUZ, HOOT!!!!! ^_^ Oh did i forget to mention that I went to Tyris's house with Eve last friday, and we had fun. WOO WOO WA WA, SAY WOO WOO WA WA! Baking brownies, watching the stupid ghost show(A tale of two sisters, even after we read the review during the show, we still dun really entirely grasp it, it's only after deep and concentrated thought and analysis that we think we got it ha)... nice memories to have hee...
hey babe` just want to tell you that i enjoy reading your blog cause i know how this simple comment can mean that much to you. anyway turbulent water will pass` hand on there and stay afloat. a buoy is on its way...
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This is Bryan. He's the second son of Joyce. This is a more conservative boy, in comparison with his brother. He's like a koala bear right ha. In the airport, he always needed someone to carry him cos he's always sleeping. Most of the time, except when we were eating and he went to watch TV at the kids' corner with his companions at the place where we ate. Cute huh. He looks more Caucasian than his brother.
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His name is elton. He's the eldest son of my cousin, Joyce. This guy is REALLY REALLY full of weird stuff. He runs around naked and isn't embarrassed the least ha. Western influence...? Oh yeah... By the way, he needed a cast cos he fell off a bicycle here and he can still play around and roll here and there ha. Wonderful! How much magic kids have, i can never decipher... But i played with them one day. Sausage rolls, I'll rmb, and human carpet for kids to lie on.
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He's the Singapore one ha, he's so cute! Very flexible and can turn somersaults. He learnt all of them himself, i suppose. His name is Jun Wah, but we call him Jun ha. So cute right. He can do much more faces than this. =)
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As I was saying, the right boy is from Finland, but he's mixed blood. Singapore and Finnish blood... His mum, my cousin came back with 2 sons cos my aunt just passed away. She's even 7 mths pregnant. It must be so hard on her, but now that bad things are over, it shd be time for good things.
My gosh they look so cute together hahahaha
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are these 2 boys cute? this is totally irrelevant to the pics i just uploaded abt me and Synn in school. The orange boy is my singapore nephew, the one with a blue thing(it's a cast) is from finland. Took this at the airport, we're sending them off.
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ok... maybe synn doesn't want this pic to be put up here but i'm not letting her decide. Shucks... no wonder my babysitter told me i become uglier cos my face is so round, as shown in the previous pics... haix, wad to do??
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guess the picture? it tells a story,... tell me the answer by commenting but it's all right if u dun wanna know...
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fly... that's for me huh... great that I din expose my "basics" though I looked like a fool, dimwit to be exact.
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window sill girls hoot!
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The first few of my pics with Synn after class one day hee...
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It's been so long since I was lost for inspiration to blog. Maybe that's cos I haven't been out these few days, I was just cooped up at home. Ok, I chose to coop myself up that is... Overslept and din go for econs lecture today ha... Ended up watching Spiderman 2 and King Arthur in the privacy of my house. THANKS UNCLE HENG!!! and that's the tip of the iceberg, i believe. I've got abt 5 more films to watch. If I feel like it, then i'll reveal the titles hee.
Got an anonymous comment, oh yeah... it feels so damned good! I lOVE THIS FEELING!!!! YEAH, OH BABY BABY... Mind u peeps, the words in caplocks aren't lyrics from a song, just some random mumblings. Mmmm... seems like I have something to say now. Well, was writing in my diary in the morning after i woke at abt 9 plus. I have to admit it was even worse, i've got writer's blog. In the end, i babbled about this family "mini-conflict" to me at least, but it wasn't very well done, cos i wasn't in the mood. I've come to think that my diary where i write in is for me to express myself when i'm in a fit of anger or just chanced upon something that made me so full of indignation!
Oh well, (there's a well!), na of cuz, i'm not gonna fall into that "spot the well thingy", guess it's really crap. Fine, i admit IT IS CRAP! I think I like to write, but I dun really like to write. Get me? Nah? I have the same sentiments? Ok, i dunno... Oh right, the truth is I like to write stuff in general, but i find it painstaking to write everything with my hand, but i love the feeling of reading through all that i've written to know that i've wrote so much. I feel a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction that is derived from doing work. That's where the motivation to write essays for assignments come from, i certainly hope so. *enigmatic smile* (hope i really make it look enigmatic ha)
Before I forget, I just downloaded hello! and posted all that pics me and Synn had in school. We even have a few videos of imitating cops and detectives of that sort. I also see a need for me to stop using "N"s or "Then"s in my sentences cos that's just making my paragraph so dull and lifeless, as if my vocabulary is confined within these boundaries that i haven been able to break due to the lack of sufficient reading of materials like newspapers and books. And Oh yeah... I'm so happy that I'm in msia, ipoh now in Tiziano Terzani's book. Soon, we'll come to Singapore and I can't wait, cos I can recognize even more things and agree with him when he's talking about my country. For those who don't know who's he, he's a freelance travel writer when he wrote the book cos he followed a prophecy. I'm not gonna reveal much, unless you happen to read it too and plS PLS PLS TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE!!!!
One last add on, I'm starting to like Asia and see its beauty, all thanks to his book.(refer to previous paragraph) I really thank you. sm_ms To start with, I must admit that I'm guilty to despise some South-East Asian countries. But but but, I'm so glad that I'm turned on when I see people writing about their travels in South East Asia like Thailand, especially Laos and Brunei, cos I know a little about the country and some of its prominent figures that have played important roles in their land's history. It's like... emancipation! I finally understand why people from the West think Asia is exotic and they have come to seek this charm for themselves. That's why I feel I'm really stop gonna fantasize about living in the West, for now at least ha.
To myself: I din have nothing to write after all. Wow, inspiration is all around. As long as any link is brought up in my mind, my brain would be able to work out my previous thoughts and musings. What a great way to live! When you keep thinking and you slowly find answers and know more. That pursue for knowledge, to know more about the world, all the different countries' wars and their peoples' lives. Fascinating, isn't it? Something that could interest u and you'd never lose interest in life... But sadly, tourism kinda spoils it. Think it out for yourself. I bet many out there knows the answer, as to how tourism slowly kills the mystic charm present in some countries who still preserve the old ways. Eg. Laos. As in the book: "Laos is not a place, but a state of mind."
Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha
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Mr BROWN IS SIMPLY traumatising and disturbing to some frens of mine.
Hence, by the courtesy of Ms Pamela Choong and Ms Yeeky, i've decided to blog to cover up for the horrifying experience for my dear friends.
"friends, wan sui wan sui(it means long live 10000 years)(with a gesture of punching the air upwards, it's like "hooray") friends, wan sui wan sui...
bla bla bla hahhaha
This is a cheer from my junior college ha. I'm actually proud me and Eve's random punching of air while yelling "wan sui"(long live or something like that) evolved into a cheer thingy hahaah... OOohh... eeeeyucks, i'm cringing at myself for coming up with such an act i'm capable of hhaa... ahhaaha...
an a translation from a song album by a chinese group "May day"
"If everything can start again, all these wouldn't be so precious/treasured..."
ah ha! Brain food... like the books "anna and mister god" and "travels in the far east"(supposedly a travel book, but ended up to be part autobiography and reflective too) I just LURVE BOOKS!
hey kyla girl glad u are here to blog again! Yeah let's speak like European noblewomen I think its gonna be awesome, dude! Actually the best part about grad night is going home late and u and eve walk me to the bus stop ahead and u buy stuff and all the weird farewells hahaHA.
Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha
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Realized it's been so long since I wrote here... I'm lazy(oh yeah...) and occupied with stuff?(maybe) But recent things that make me feel full up is being part of the organising comm for Grad Nite' 05. I find it a pleasant surprise too. I never thought i'd feel attached to a school project that much, never thought i'd be able to feel rather at ease with a group with more than 5 pple(other than dance) that i have to work with and know them well in a number of days.
Regarding school work, I'm trying to finish hw, though obviously not, since i have the time to write my blog after so long again. Meanwhile, there are many fun things that happen in school that i laugh so much about, but i won't go into detail, just listing them out will evoke my deepest memories when i look upon them in future.
Think i'll be in a state of mind when i'll speak like a noblewoman or lady of quality in 19th century Europe ha. Got the influence from the book "The Grand Tour" and a previous book about magic but still remaining so real, as it's written in the format of letters in the first book and diaries of some sort, but not exactly, in the 2nd book. I'd highly recommend the book to peeps who love the feel of European magic in its earlier days while waiting for schemes to be discovered and using magic to solve the problem...
Before i forget some funny things, let me list down some of them:
- tinker and bell
- black dog, girl?on the bus
- "you are dead!" by f.go
- my mind not in line with my mouth, the MNM syndrome ha (acc. to me)
- my constant fear of being discovered at student leaders' camp... hee
- the pleasantly disturbing phone convo with daviddave hahahah
til then, and Katie, i'm really glad you contacted me again! I'm so happy, guess i always sent emails to the wrong places, so you dunno i was trying to find you... Hope we'll know more about each other real soon! and um.. hope grad night really turns out well... and i'll hope to update more often ha...
Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha
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