Finding what I want in life is so important.
Looking back at my old posts like many many months ago, I realized how fulfilled one's life can be when in the midst of things or doing things. Dancing used to be a main part of my life... During the salsa festivals especially in Xenbar. I felt so fulfilled back in secondary school and JC. I so miss Li Tao, the way he scolds and criticizes! People might be put off (very) at first, but you'll grow to enjoy the way he talks and behaves! It's so unique and he totally heck cares whatever others think haha! One of the legendary people I've seen before definitely!
Why am I still here blogging instead of working on my report? I've been procrastinating since I got home at about 5 plus pm, it's
There's no passion.
Here's a great quote I just saw on passion:
"Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... opens its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments! --- Joss Whedon
Very apt! Looking back, when I had the passion in dance, I looked forward to dance all the time! I wished the sessions were longer. Sure, I felt sad when lessons ended, but I guess it's way better than not having any interest in anything at all - you feel jaded, you don't know why you're wandering in this world.
Maybe I sound sadder than I really am or I make it sound worse than I really feel, but basically, for the past few weeks, I've just never really felt at peace. Even when I thought that there were times I felt at peace and bliss, it fleeted and it felt like I never felt those quiet, tranquil moments at all. I guess, I've been searching, still trying to find out what I want...
At first, when I got back, I took on another perspective on life - that it's up to me, really UP TO ME to decide. It doesn't matter if I'm not the really people people, so outgoing and warm-hearted AT FIRST. As long as I'm happy... That's most important. Maybe it's because I've kept on searching that I don't know what I really want to do. Life has changed, what life is about, I start to contemplate so much about life, what its basic meaning is and how to live it. There's no best way - just the way I want it! 我觉得,找到适合自己的、自己要的生活时,就会最快乐。ALSO,
As I told "A Pink Robot" and Jing Chao today, I haven't laughed out loud that much these days. Where's the me who used to laugh at the slightest things, feel joy in the most simple of things... As I read my previous blog posts, I realized I used to be so contented at really simple stuff. I just feel disoriented, stressed about all the stuff in my life, trying to form bonds in MJ but I'm shy (oke, I need to so get rid of the idea that I'm shy! I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm just gonna do it and I'm gonna give myself time! Jennifer says to PRETEND, ACT CONFIDENT. hee)
I just really need to do things and meet up with great, old friends who always make me smile and cheer me up no matter what! Poh Poh Ying! Evelyn Wong Yan Ling! My Jss dance friends, Ng Seok Hui and flamez! JC clique! And whoever that I really appreciate and am grateful to for being there and sometimes I forget to tell you but I do write down some of the nice things ppl do to me so I rmb it or will be reminded about it!
Fine fine, time to work nw! It's already
I so need to get over the oh-so-wonderful past, goodbye
Thks Meishi for saying that I look sporty hee! I really don't want to come across as someone who's lazy and being sporty fills me with energy! Da da da, I don't know what to say, but I think I
It will get better! It already has!
From the depressed me since 7hrs to gradually becoming better (in terms of how I feel) 7 hrs later...
I so need to broaden my perspective on stuff to grow and look at things in different ways! Reading what other people write is one great way! I finally see the goodness of READING BOOKS!
Sometimes, it's just me but I tend to wonder what's the reason behind people doing a certain activity. That day in Utopia, on Sunday, it was slow again 2 hrs before closing @ 9.30pm, I started to fix some sequins in the end and 30 mins passed like 1 min cos I was so focused in finding the beads and stuff! Yeah! That's one thing I can do in future, look through garments and fix loose sequins! So fun - colourful world. My lurve for colours...
我又不清楚怎样的不同,但总之,我可以肯定的是:写中文的人没有那么罗嗦!句子比较简洁,因为用华文来表达事物可以浓缩事物于短短几个字里 - 是神奇的特性!
还有,刚才我随意提起我蛮有兴趣去Mediacorp当配音员,“A Pink Robot" 也说她有同感!
其实,我还是对events management 有兴趣,因为筹备活动算是“孕育”的一种吧。(曾经阅读到巨蟹座喜欢培养、孕育的过程。)然后,看自己努力过后的结果,真是人生一大快事!让我想想以前的例子。。。
JJC Prom Night 的时候!那时,我富有使命感,虽然身为logistics officer的我最后做出最大的贡献就是再Prom Night 当晚表演跳舞。但是,我还是有强烈的参与感!
当我尽心尽力写卡片给好友时,然后他们有感动到 - 我也感到十分满足和充分体验到“活着”的感觉。Feel alive.
Eh, 我突然发觉自己是那么重视自己在别人心目中的位置,当然指的是我重视的人。我真的很无奈自己多么喜欢在别人心里有特别位置的那种喜悦感!
接下来可以期待的是:Speedwing road show, can meet my 大姐们!They can 骂醒我!
I so hope to go capoeira this coming Sunday cos I finally am free to go. Shuhui baby, must go if you can make it oke? Cos PoH Poh Ying specifically said she'll make that day free for us! I need laughing therapy! Doing crazy stuff, feeling all my emotions and releasing them!
My gush, this is never ending. STOP NOW!
I think "The tide is High" has a really sweet melody - the song!
不要再临时抱佛脚!Now is such a great time to be able to engage myself in learning, be engrossed in knowledge! Be lost in that world (but of course not losing myself totally in it)...
Haha ha hahaha yeah! Finally, a more cheery post!
Say byebye (not see you later) to the melancholy! Don't come back, at least for a rather long while...
Just now, Tang Tang Wei say "恩~你正常情況下就是喜怒無常的“
I should probably think how I should change that, make my moods more stable, but I really don't want to THINK TOO MUCH! That has been my main personality trait for as long as I can remember, suddenly, I get it!
I don't want to let go of it, don't wanna change that despite how miserable I get sometimes, cos there'd be no me! Gush, I so need to re-think about everything again. So complicated...
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I just read that I'm a "feelings sponge" cos my moon sign is Pisces - I absorb other people's feelings... I NEED POSITIVE ENERGY! oke done... Gotta work @ vivo @ 1.30-9.30pm (it's 11.30am now) and I have 2 assignments due next TUE untouched yet! I told myself before I slept just now at 4am that I'll do them in time and jia you jia you jia you and I will stop freaking out over them during work later cos there's nothing I can do - i can't do work during work! DAMNNNNN! oke done...
aimless, but on the verge of picking up myself, i hope. I talk about leaving this world behind these days. I slapped my face for that too. I just slapped my hands and my face again. This is by far the shortest post ever. May Life bless me and I so need to get in touch with Dear Goddess.
I have to LURVE LIFE! EXPERIENCES! MYSELF inside OUT! 热爱生活!It's the start of everything (where I'm at).
Chingay, MJ, money-building? trying to overcome my fears of people.
It's so contradicting, I read Sang's horoscope book and it says my Venus/Mercury/Mars signs are all Gemini. I think I will stop judging Geminis in future since there's so much of it in me. I used to think I won't get along with them cos they are too two-faced (But yes, they MIGHT be two-faced but I'll treat them equal as other horoscopes - omigush, I have horoscope prejudicism) It says I'm those that cannot stand doing the same kind of monotonous job over and over again. I need to always work with people like crowds.
I guess that's why I'm interested in events management, tourism, hospitality that kinda thing - cos there's lots of people! But then, the shy me (cancerian - sun sign, pisces - moon sign) tends to think I cannot work with people. F*ck, my entire personality is so contradictory - that explains many tings - why i'm so contradicting very often! Also, my ascendant is Libra, meaning one big flaw of mine is - BEING FICKLE-MINDED, always cannot make up my mind, making me so frustrated that sometimes I just shout in my mind to tell myself to stop being so wishy-washy! I gotta go write what Sang's crystal book talks about my horoscope, about how I need some time to sort out my feelings about a certain experience that I won't let go or something like that...
I'm interested in learning and practising conversational skills. (It says with my other 3 signs being Gemini, I'm curious and like to learn about people and conversational topics are one of the main things that people connect. Have you ever wondered why you can talk so much to some people but sometimes you look and look at others and you have nothing to say???) Throughout my life, I think the only best thing I do is conversing with people one-on-one/small grps, I really feel connected with certain people and that's hw I have strong friendships (quite a couple) but it's like one-on-one basis that kinda thing :D
I suddenly feel more alive cos I do have a personality and everyone has personalities (the very obvious) but it's like i'm so interested in it all again.
I think I'm gona try being a dubber in future! Since I do like shows (i think i do haha) and I don't mind it being time-taking since I'm already a fansubber...
See, I do lurve life. (convincing myself)
On Jun 18 08' (wed), when Mikey Mike Mike took me along to West Yellowstone!
It was just splendid and lurvely scenery on the way! Thks Mikey!
He can drive and r*ll a cigarette at the same time - omigush! i was so scared AT FIRST.
But I almost broke his car door.
When the car suddenly moved after stopping cos we stopped to look at a parent buffalo and its child crossing the river (amazing), my door was not shut tight and it flapped open and hit a nearby car, ARGH, I WAS SO SCARED THE DOOR WOULD BREAK! But luckily it didn't and Mikey went down to talk to the person and all was cool. HENG AR!
kYLAlalala and Hawaiian Chips!
I like the picture on the chips so much! So cute lA!
we were pigging out in our room again, later part of my time in Yellowstone, many nights like that ahha.
Our door not locked and Charmaine even came in to borrow a pen once, scared us!
She tot all of us in the room who were on our beds knew she came in, but no one knew!
Old times - gush, I so need to get over it. I'm getting over Yellowstone these days, but I still have to feel the passion for living again, i'm inspired to dance from time to time but it's not constant these days, you know? ARGH! 加油, wu kyla!
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i still feel like crying whenever i hear Leona Lewis's "Bleeding Lurve'...
(I think that's cos it's the song I listen to the most when I was there, I just like to indulge & engross myself in it. I danced along the road just beside Laurel in the morning before work and it was so nice - wished I could go back... But if I could go back again, it'd be different. The memory is alive - in my mind!)
Time to shower! And get ready for imminent MJ chalet!
I was dancing to Elva's MORE MORE MORE!
I kinda feel Asian pop artiste's dance steps are easier hee.
I guess they want to make it a trademark and easy to learn so everyone will find it nice to learn!
Korean ones quite hard cos they race thru the dance and go by speed! Very exciting yes, but very hard!
Song: Britney Spears - Gimme more! WAHHHA! I really like it! Bham! Wham wham!
Thks Luis for giving me all the music... :D
Mamma Mia shows a crazy mother and her crazy daughter and their crazy friends! Time to lead a crazy life! Spice up your life! (Spice Gurls) I'm reminded of songs so easily. "I have a dream" sung by Sophie at the start of the movie is really soothing too! "I have a dream I have a song To help me cope With anything... If you see the wonder Of a fairytale... Ooke i forgot"...
I should prolly stop all this blabbering and get down to doing business! Whatever I need to do to get out of the house! NEED TO STUDY HARD FOR EXAMS TOO! I slept at 1am on Sunday night and 2am yesterday night! I didn't use the computer cos I was deadbit after returning home from work on Sunday. After contemp yesterday, all that stretching did tire me out. It's been so long... I can't even split with my right leg in front now when I used to be able to!
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I was sitting right in front of this big screen hah! If you face the stage, I'm sitting to the right of it so I can't see the stage that clearly. Guess I gotta be contented since I'm right in the front ahha!
Before it started...
Interview and win-prizes time! 6 handphones were given away! It's like 2 of the men who were lucky enough to find Elva's picture underneath their chairs were lost. Even Elva said so herself, "They look like they got pushed through the door and went, "oh, it's Elva's showcase". WAHAH! They looked so lost!
Elva - giving all that she has! She's so soulful when she sings her ballads!
Dancing - I'll be There! (Puma song) "She's a dance machine!"
Hee Branden said that of me once @ one of the parties, it's so easy to get so high there and dance like no one's business. No need to be scared of space constraints, u don't have to be shy! Give all you have! Yellowstone, I still miss you...
Yea, the best part about it... I'm so inspired to dance again!
I was so excited and screamed away during the mini showcase!
So sad it was only 1 and a half hours! More More More!
MJ chalet in 2 hrs time. Wish me luck and kylalalalala, just ENJOY IT!
That's the end of freakin-out over it for the past month.
The next thing to freak out (try not to but it's pretty hard - at least freak out very few times)...
Money Money to Mexico nxt yr!
I want to go Korea and Taiwan argh! My goals are to be able to save up money to travel now.
Oh and I watched Mamma Mia with Sang yesterday. I cried so hard at the part where they sang that summer song, about last summer. 6 bucks - student price. Show your student pass.
"Living for the day
Worries far away
Our last summer
We could laugh and play
I can still recall
Our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine
Laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain"
----~ Brought back mucho memories of Yellowstone... ah ah ah! Cried so much and thank goodiness Sang was beside me, she was grabbing my head and pulling it close to her to comfort me haha! She gave me a great besty hug! I even text her "You are so nice to hug" when we parted at the bus interchange. I went contemp to check out Broadway, kinda nice but I hoped there was more choreography. Thks Chong Yan for inviting me!

I so wanted to watch Mammia mia Broadway musical in New York!
Ah, too bad that day no more 1/2 price tickets for it and we didn't have another night...
i'M MAD NOW...
(I realized no one tags and stuff if I have no updates - incentive to update! Make my blog alive again ha)
Utopia is so boring sometimes... When there's no customers for 5 hours on end. Can anyone give me ideas what to do if you're so bored at work and you can't read, go online or stuff. I seriously hate handphone games but I played it at work cos i was so bored on Sunday!)
GET HIGH! MUSIC & dance - you just can't live without them.
Why ar? Cos they make you feel alive! WHAHA! I think...
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Hahaha... Pretty enriched life though I do feel I'm at a point where I'm figuring things out. Like I'm at the start of everything. MJ, where to go from now... Ever since after Yellowstone, it's like things ended... Well, or rather, the start of something new (as that High School Musical 1 song ahha)
Mmm, I'm gonna stop freaking out over the imminent chalet! It has been bugging me for the past month on and off ever since I knew about it. Try! I just read Kahei's blog and she was writing about faith, that faith is so important in life. Yea, almost everything is about believing. I guess everything? Cos what u truly believe in is the truth to you.
So hard so hard...
So difficult so difficult...
Don't give up - Kylalalalalalalalalala...
Today, on my way home on the bus from NUS, I went to watch the Dance Ensemble pfm, I only really enjoyed the last pfm, like I told the Chong sisters - happy dances! happy music! happy faces! colours everywhere! different colours! Some of the other ones were a bit scary. There was one really ghoulish and horrifying dance! Where all the dancers even ran off stage and were right beside us. I told Chong Min to kick her or something but I'm scared cos really look like a ghost! Very professional is all I'd say! Neways, back to wad I was saying...
Holding on, hanging on... Is so important. You only really fail when you decide to give up and just GIVE UP... If not, you're still trying to make it through, trying to survive it. It has been so hard for me, so many things, at the start... I always just told myself I'm making great progress but that day when I went for the self-esteem talk (on Thu), I realized I have all the signs of a person having low self-esteem. What the f*ck... F*ck that... Well, all I can do is to keep on trying... Try harder and don't give up! m_m ^_^
It's a happy day, like Evelyn said, I'm bubbling with joy hee. I just realized that my fingers and Sas's are the same length! I told him and he said "interesting remark" hahaha... I just keep smiling when I see that pic xp
Sang likes to call me "stupid and idiot biao mei (cousin)" hahaha, cos I was so stressed for the past few nights. I'm finally feeling sorry for what I did to you. Blabbering so many things to you till you can't sleep and it's quite mean of me cos you have to work and you're a light sleeper. I'll not do that again! Yes, I'm not going to!
ELVA TOMRROW! @ Max Pavillion 20 Sep 08' (sat)...
Watch me go crazy again.
Whew, I just realized this is one of my shortest posts aha. I'm gonna listen to the recordings I made for hC204 and do some writing! If not, I'll really forget all about it. I think the lectures frm this teacher Li Bing Bing is really intriguing. It's just intense, action-packed cos everyone must be so tense from all the jotting down at teacher's lightning speed! But I didn't know all those novels like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Jin Ping Mei, Journey to the West had so much behind them. Desires, being child-like - honest, pure, naive vs. being hypocritical, fake... - People in the Ming dynasty think way too much ahha. But their creations - the 4 amazing books - are pretty amazing and nicey to read, if only the language was more modern. Argh, can go crazy sometimes!
I think I really lurve lectures, but all the term papers and reports - argh... I'm lazy haha... But I do feel very intellectual when I finish my "babies" - all the hard work is worth it! The recess week - don't slack, Kylalala... Learn new things everyday and be a good student! Like balmyzz said and I will always remember, "You won't be a student forever". Enjoy it...
Oh and right after I released subs for Tian Wai Fei Xian Episode 30, darcydevenus said, " Really, enjoy your life. It makes everything super fun." YEA YEA YEA!
Some pictures... We took on a hike on our off day, we were on our way to Lonestar Geyser (though we managed to go there when we were lost) but we turned back halfway cos we're scared the EDR would close by the time we returned from our hike. NO FOOD MEANS NO MOOD!
On 16 jun 08' (mon)...
Really nice backdrop and it's a colourful picture with whatever Evelyn's wearing and carrying!
More pictures, more more more! Elva's song ahha!
Her on the bridge!
Beautiful - green and blue and white. i want some red...
my poor swollen finger that got slammed by the door.
It's purple, the 4th finger!
Watch out for the one behind me ahhhaa! fun fun fun!
I had no idea she was doing all that behind me!
It's ice-cream time! That's how I gained 4kg and grew so fat! ARGH!
Nights all!
Enjoy... Whatever you do today! smile
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Don't you feel that life is made up of just moments only?
Like, the past has all the moments. The present is one moment and as I say, every moment is passing by...
For the future, they will just be future moments yet to be "in" (like in that moment)...
Gush, that's why every one says "Live for the moment".
Not so easy... I still need to learn 0h-so-much-more from this life...
I'm so thoughtful these days. F*ck this sh*t, I haven finished my HT201 assignment and the clothes are waiting to be hung for the past 3 hrs. But it's raining now...
I'm starting to get a lil' sick of work in Utopia, cos sometimes there are times when u have nothing to do. Time passes slowly and I countdown to the time I get off work. Work shouldnt' be like that. I'm gonna have to try hard to find things to occupy myself. It's still good when I'm packing in the store at the back of the shop. Thank goodiness, Seri taught me one thing I could do, sorta sew the front of the batik babydoll pieces.
I'm going to join ShuHui @ Sentosa on Sundays for capoeira. Easier said than done, I gotta have free Sundays first. this weekend, I'm going back to jemaluang (msia - my father's hometown) for mooncake festival ahah. Next Sunday, I need to wrk cos I'm going to watch Elva on Sat... ARGH, i really want to hang out with Shu Hui baby more often. :D
To flamez: I had fun laughing during steamboat session and swensens late night ice-cream pigout and walking around Bugis. Time flies when one is with friends enjoying life. There's so much to laugh about in this world haha. Poh Poh Ying Tyris just cannot stop making me laugh. I lurve you Buddy. Rachel has her own quirky amusing parts of her - so cute la! Nyleve is Ding Tai Fung. Cheng Teng - so long nv see you! U give tight hugs. Shu Shuhui - You're very funny too ahah... :DDDDD capoeira.
- Sorry I didn't go out with you all today. Definitely will have other days haha.
Alright, I guess my brain shd be kinda emptied as of now. See how many thoughts fly by. Well they aren't exactly the things that fly by in my mind, but what I'm trying to say is my mind just has many fleeting thoughts when I'm not doing something that requires my full attention haha... I think blogging's prowess is not as great as writing a journal entry in my own diary. Cos' when I write things out, I guess I'm more tired from writing than from typing haha.
Natasha Bedingfield has cute songs like "I wanna have your babies". Watch the MTV for laughs ha.

This pic was taken on 10 Aug 08' (Sunday). The 2nd day I reached Singapore.
In my PJs I brought to the States and wore to the pajamas party ON 13 JUN 08' (FRI) hah.a...
Before the party... In Lance's room. Andy, Terence and Calvin were mad boys as we went to the pub from Laurel. There was Lance, Kelley and Lauren and Evelyn and me and the 3 of them when we walked to the pub. Fun times~ sigh... Get together gracie ng/kylala/ng ching ching - Don't cry bcos it's over. Smile bcos it happened. -- reallly hard...
Lance and Kyla. Evelyn, Terence & Kyla.
Kyla and Andy.
@ the pub...
Pretty Juan (pretty boy), Pui Ee, Kyla & Evelyn...
Haha, Pui Ee, u are also fun to dance with, cos u also let go and dance madly haha!
Lurve you. :D
Also, your bday card for me was really sweet, I kept forgetting to tell you that!
I think his name's Dario. He's a Columbian.
All the Columbians were wearing that blue shirt.
Random pics haha.
Robert & Tommy. Robert and Jordan.
I lurve these 2 pics. 1st pic: totally candid - in action.
Evelyn was wearing Richelle's Winnie the Pooh shirt. It was a PJ party after all ahah.
2nd pic: punching and testing Lance's tummy - so soft and jelly hahah...
I head-butt his tummy pretty often haha.
I so lurve the pic on the right.
That's AJ in pink... Cos I feel sad that AJ is the photographer (all these pics are courtesy of AJ - oke my English abit wrong, can someone correct the above phrase???)... but I didn't really take any pics with him. There you go...


AJ is one of the people I miss dearly. He went, "Come back" when we were on the phone after we left.
He'd send messages totally random like "i miss you pookie dear! Yann!" (totally random, text messages to my pre-paid phone in US) on jul 29 08', 9.12pm. He says "yann". He's trying to say salt "yan" hahah...
Before he bcame Laurel's RC, Evelyn and I only met him in the pub when he so totally random came up to us to say "hi" and some other weird stuff which I can't rmb. He's really one of his kind too. still. misses. Yellowstone.
I almost cried when as I was on my way to the park to jog today.
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Gush, for yesterday and today, I have that aimless/not inspired feeling again. It feels like I'm back to when I just got back from abroad. This feeling is oh-so-tamade (他妈的!)Basically, I'm swearin' a lil' in Mandarin. I don't even want to dance... Oke, fine I admit it. I'm freaking out over the imminent chalet that all MJ babies have to go in 2 wks' time. It's 3 days 2 nights. To face my feelings right in its face, I'm worried it'll be 历史重演, the same as
I watched "Shall We Dance?" recently thou I'm only halfway thru haha. One interesting quote was from John's wife, who suspected that John (Richard Gere) was having an affair. She stopped private investigation after a while cos she felt that it was invading her husband's privacy. She asked the private investigator why people got married. Her answer was that people need someone else to witness their lives. The only one who will be there till the end of one's life will be one's spouse (marriage is supposed to be like that - to me too). If not, our lives are in vain, like there's no meaning. With someone to witness everything, there's proof that it happened. It's something along that line, hope I didn't get it wrong. I think that's pretty interesting...
Today I bought Elva Hsiao's 三面夏娃, latest album. Cos I'm so gonna watch her at Max Pavillion on 20th Sep. I bought 4 Swensens mooncake - haven collect yet from some club in my school for 23 bucks. Usual price: $25.90. F*ck, it was 18 bucks for 4 ice-cream mooncakes last yr. But I still bought it.
My first day of being aimless/not inspired again after a period of got aim + inspired was yesterday. Cos I woke up late and had to go to work @ Utopia Vivo and the entire day was gone like that. Thank goodiness I finished one report for HC151 ytd night hee, so not tat sad today. I've already started learning the poems for dictation tmr for HC204 since last Fri. Yea, I'm proud of myself this sem, at least I try to study beforehand. I realize that I really gotta read readings though I haven finish 1 out of 2 compulsory readings for HC232 tutorial tmr! ARGH!
I'm so happy I hang out with Pink Robot these days haha. I feel that she's really interesting and I'm so curious as to how she lives her life. Good friends hee. I pay attention in HC204 oke????? I just didn't know how to approach you cos u seem kinda hostile when u walked into LT this morning ahha. Smile. :D I'm easily freaked out...
Oooh, yeah, why do I feel inspired again? Haha, cos' I was finding a translated article for my HT201 assignment. I've decided to use someone's english translation of a blog entry of Ariel Lin when she was in
" 成功的人會多做一些自己”不習慣”,甚至是”不舒服”的事,離開你的舒適圈吧……"
"一個人吧!一個人的狀态所能產生的力量是很大的!專注於你旅行的目的, 和目的無關的人事物是會干擾你的,都拿掉吧!"
This was written by Ariel's good friend in a letter for Ariel. I feel so inspired again.
As I looked at the pictures on Ariel's blog in
I went for a jog this evening after a 30 min (or maybe more) chat with Stefanie hee hee. Nice chat! The chalet will be good. I think I'm tired of complaining and lamenting to everyone about my pathetic life to have to go to the chalet. Get out of my comfort zone! Have fun! Most important of all, ENJOY
I ran for 5 rounds jus now hee, did some stretches and went back home to surf the net for materials for my HT201 assignment. Running kinda hurts my knees and ankles sometimes but I endure it and I feel better after that. I so need to adopt healthy lifestyle of 早睡早起(sleep early, wake up early) - so I won't be depressed (my moods will be more regular).
It's not such a bad day after all. I'm inspired again.
I'm so definite now - I get my inspiration from books and people and thoughts of others and inspiring quotes!
Be contented with what I have. 知足常乐。Be grateful. Don't take things for granted. (self-psychoing again)
Gossip gurl is surprisingly nice! Woo hoo! Watch it! And Hot Shot (篮球火)seems to be watched by everyone now.
Some pics taken on 14 Aug 08' (Thu) when i went JB with Sang Sang to cut hair...

Before cutting hair...

After cutting hair!

Sang Sang and me.
It's not the exact look of my hair now cos the lady straightened my hair for me haha.
I just lurve the layers and with my golden streaks, they make the layers so obvious!
I lurve to swing my head everywhere now just to watch the hair fly aha.
Man-made wind!!!!!!!!

Colleagues trying to capture themselves with their camera phones haha.


Japanese food - yummy! The price is yummy too cos in ringgit!



These are clocks with beautiful pictures on them...
Some pics I took when we had a gathering @ Tang Tang Wei's hall on 15 Aug 08' (Fri). It felt like such a long time ago but it was just about 3 weeks plus... Time feels different to me these days. It's like this thing didn't happen that long ago but it felt that it did a much longer time ago.

me with my lurvely heart-shaped ear stud!
Taiwanese are just so ingenious!
They can change a stud earring into a clip-on for me on the spot.
I'm amazed. Singapore, pls upgrade!
Cos on Sat when I was @ pushcarts place on 1st floor aft steamboat with Flamez @ Bugis,
I wanted to get studs but the lady say they can't chg it to clip-on. F*ck...

in the pink pink kitchen.
these 4 plus me got lost near Shoshone Lake haha...
they are great chefs.


Si Chuan cuisine from the Tang Tang Wei himself.
Yummy! But we had no idea how he could stand that nose-irritant bomb thing that Si Chuan ppl so lurve.

In Tang Tang Wei's room, with the Da-jies. Hee. :D
I have some other pics but for next time.
I think I need to update my blog with pics and what kinda events I've been to.
Note that events just mean activities that I do. Hanging-out... and bla...
I so need to get in touch with foreign friends, writing letters, chatting more.
Read more, write more! ^_^
Alright, back to work... 要回去工作了!早睡早起身体好。
This is such a random post. Like some of my paragraphs above, my mind just keeps racing with thoughts of different kinds when I have nothin' to pay attention to haha. Good luck to me in this journey called life.
EMO ARGH!I must focus and concentrate on doing things!
oh oh, i'm watching hei se hui mei mei now haha...
Post Comment - that you lurve Da Dong too haha
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